
dev-master 2013-09-26 07:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 12:43:35 UTC



There's nothing overly complex about this package - it's just a wrapper around the API. Example usage code below.

The following functions are available on the \Trustico\API class:

  • test() - Checks to see if the API is working
  • hello($message) - A wrapper around the API's Hello method
  • order_status($order_id) - A wrapper around the API's GetStatus method
  • resend_approver_email($order_id) - A wrapper around the API's ResendEmail method with a type of Approver
  • resend_fulfilment_email($order_id) - A wrapper around the API's ResendEmail method with a type of Fulfillmnent
  • change_approver_email($order_id, $email) - A wrapper around the API's ChangeApproverEmail method
  • reissue($order_id, $email, $csr) - A wrapper around the API's Reissue method
  • get_user_agreement($product_name) - A wrapper around the API's GetUserAgreement method
  • get_approver_list($domain) - A wrapper around the API's GetApproverList. Returns a \Trustico\Response\XML\ApproverList
  • process_order_type_1($data) - A wrapper around the API's ProcessType1 method
  • process_order_type_2($data) - A wrapper around the API's ProcessType2 method


This code requires PHP >= 5.5.

Supports both Composer installation and regular file inclusion. For Composer, add the following to your composer.json:

"require": {
	"phil-lavin/trustico": "dev-master"

For Composer, the library's classes will autoload if you use Composer's autoloader.

If you don't use Composer, just include src/autoloader.php into your app. This adds an SPL autoloader and you can call classes as required.

Usage example

$api = \Trustico\API::forge('user', 'pass');

$response = $api->hello("This is a test message");

if (!$response->is_success()) {

foreach ($response->get_data() as $k=>$v) {
        var_dump("$k => $v");


It's largely self documenting cause it's just a wrapper.

See the \Trustico\API class for the methods you can call. They're an exact mapping to the API methods documented at You need to be logged into a Reseller account to see the Trustico docs.

All the methods should be self explanitory. process_order_type_1() and process_order_type_2() take an array of data keyed by the field names described in the Trustico API docs.

All methods will return a \Trustico\Response\XML\General except get_approver_list() which returns a \Trustico\Response\XML\ApproverList. The ApproverList response implements a get_emails() generator method (for you to foreach over) which parses the slightly silly Trustico API response into a list of e-mail addresses.