
Parses address data from the Norwegian Mapping Authority

0.6 2015-05-08 12:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 21:39:01 UTC



This package contains functionality to parse Norwegian address information from the Norwegian mapping authority.


Install the package

composer require "phaza/norwegian-address-data"

Use the parser

Bare SOSI file

$sosiparser = new SOSIParser(
	function ( Address $address ) {
		//Do something with $address here

$handle = fopen( 'somefile.sos', 'r' );
$sosiparser->parse( $handle );
fclose( $handle );

Zip file from the Norwegian mapping authority

$sosiparser = new SOSIParser(
	function ( Address $address ) {
		//Do something with $address here

$file = new SplFileInfo('');

$unwrapper = new ZipUnwrapper( $file, $sosiparser );

Description of the address objects

The address object comes in two flavours. One for addresses with a street and number (StreetAddress), and one for those which doesn't have a street and number (CadastreAddress).

common attributes:
$id;              // Unique id of this point within this municipality
$municipality_id; // The id of the municipality this address is contained within
$zip_code_id;     // The zip code id
$zip_code_name;   // The zip code name
$display;         // The display version of this address
getCoords()       // Coordinates for this point, returned as an Utm object with northing and easting.

$gnr; // land parcel number, unique within a municipality
$bnr; // property number, unique within a $gnr
$fnr; // rental property number, unique within a $bnr
$unr; // sub division number, unique within a $fnr

$street_id;   // unique within a municipality