
Build and manage search categories and links easily, including all url's and their respective states

v0.0.5-alpha 2020-04-01 19:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 15:11:15 UTC


Build and maintain filters for your listings.

Everything will be automatically managed. URL's, Values, Labels, etc. by just defining a few classes.

Live Example

Please visit here and click around.

The complete view for this example is a just few lines:

@foreach ($filtering->filters() as $filter)
        <h4>{{ $filter->label() }}</h4>
        @foreach($filter->links() as $option)
            <a href="{{$option->url}}" @if($option->active) class="active" @endif>
                {{ $option->label }}

@if ($filtering->activeFilters()->isNotEmpty())
        <h4>Selected filters:</h4>
        @foreach($filtering->activeFilters() as $option)
            <a href="{{$option->url}}">{{ $option->label }}</a>
        <a href="{!! route('filters') !!}">Clear all</a>

The entire logic to build all URL's is managed automatically by our Sections and Filters classes.

Performing an actual search

The way an actual search is triggered on your data sources is entirely up to you.

This package will provide you with a simple and flexible way to build your filters and sorters, but connecting the generated URL's will depend on your application.

Executing scopes

To close this gap, I recommend using the Scoped Controller package.

It's solely functionality is to execute scopes over your query builders depending on your URL's, which makes it a perfect fit.

Your controllers and views will always be decluttered this way.


Include it in your composer.json file calling

composer require petrelli/search-interface-builder

Or add:

"petrelli/search-interface-builder": "^0.0.2@alpha"

And run composer update.

Service provider

Only if you have disabled Laravel's auto-discover, you'll have to manually add the service provider to your config/app.php file.

'providers' => [

Important Concepts


A section is a collection of filters and/or a sorter. You can define as many sections as you want.

A section


A Filter is a specific category to filter your collection (for example, Department and Location on the previous image).

You can reutilize filters across your sections.

Directory structure

By default everything will be located under App/Filters.

  • App/Filters/Definitions: Filters classes and sorters (Location, Year, ByPrice, etc.).
  • App/Filters/Sections: Main search, staff search, events search, etc.


1. Create a new empty Section.

php artisan search-builder:section [name] []

This will generate a new Section class inside App\Filters\Sections.

If you don't specify a route please open the generated file and update it.

2.1 Create Filters

php artisan search-builder:filter [name]

This will generate a new Filter class inside App\Filters\Definitions.

namespace App\Filters\Definitions;

class Location extends Petrelli\SearchInterfaceBuilder\MultipleSelector

    protected $parameter = 'filter_location';

    protected $label     = 'Location';

    public function values()

        //... Always return a [value => label ...] associative array
        return [
            'ny' => __('New York'),
            'nb' => __('Nairobi'),
            'fr' => __('France'),



Here you can adjust 3 things:

  • $parameter: The URL parameter to be used for this filter.

  • $label: Label to be printed.

  • values(): array of ['value' => 'label', ...] elements. You can load these values from the database, an API, hardcoded, etc.


  • $asArray: Send this URL parameter as an array instead of a single string with a separator. By defaut is false.

  • $separator: character used to separate values on the URL. By defaut is ,.

2.2 Create a Sorter (optional)

A sorter is actually a filter, so the step to create it is the same as 2.1.

The only difference is that we should only allow one selected option at a time.

To acomplish this you have to inherit from SingleSelector instead of a MultipleSelector.

3. Add those filters to the section

The following example Section contains two filters (Department and Location), and a sorter (SortStaff).

// Filters
use App\Filters\Definitions\Department;
use App\Filters\Definitions\Location;

// Sorter
use App\Filters\Definitions\SortStaff;

class StaffFiltering extends Petrelli\SearchInterfaceBuilder\BaseSection

    protected $route = 'staff';

    protected $filters = [

    protected $sorter = SortStaff::class;


4. Use the Section object in your view

From the controller we send the object to the view:

return view('staff.index', [
    'filtering' => app(StaffsFiltering::class),
    // ...

And from them we can print everything in our views.

Usage: Print filter titles

Used to print the names of each filter to build the top section:

A section

@foreach ($filtering->filters() as $filter)
  <span>{{ $filter->label() }}</span>

Usage: Print all filter options

Here we print each one of the options:

A section

@foreach ($filtering->filters() as $filter)
    <span>{{ $filter->label() }}</span>

    @foreach($filter->links() as $option)
        <a href="{{$option->url}}" class="@if($option->active) is-active @endif">
            {{ $option->label }}


Each option object contains the following attributes:

$option->label   // Label
$option->value   // Value
$option->active  // Boolean that indicates if is active
$option->urlRoot // URL with no filters at all
$option->url     // URL that contains or not the value depending if it's active (url-present) or not

For 99% of use cases you will only have to use url, active, and label.

Usage: Print a list with the selected filters

A section

As you will see at the live example after selecting a few filters, that list can be automatically generated.

@if ($filters->activeFilters()->isNotEmpty())
    @foreach($filters->activeFilters() as $filter)
      <a href="{{$filter->url}}">{{ $filter->label }}</a>

    <a href="{!! route('staff') !!}">Clear all</a>

This list will include all selected options within all filters.

Usage: Create a filter that allows only one selected element

To acomplish this you have to inherit from SingleSelector instead of MultipleSelector.

class Location extends Petrelli\SearchInterfaceBuilder\SingleSelector

Usage: Build a custom route for a specific filter

Just overload the buildRoute function inside your filter class.

public function buildRoute($extraParams)

    return route($this->route, request()->except(['page', $this->parameter]) + $extraParams);



  • Improve documentation
  • Examples
  • Tests


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.