
PHP class for getting an rss-feed

v3.0 2016-05-21 22:22 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 17:23:27 UTC


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A small SimplePie wrapper-class designed for usage with the Anax/MVC framework, generates HTML for an RSS-feed.

By Petrus Lidholm |


Since rssreader is designed for Anax/MVC framework and is dependant on it, it is required that you get the framework before following the steps below. Anax/MVC is located at

rssreader also uses SimplePie, include it in the composer.json located in the root :"require": { "simplepie/simplepie": "dev-master" }.


You can either download this repo as a .zip-file or you can use composer to get the package through packagist by adding the following line in the composer.json located in the root:

"require": { "petlid/rssreader": "dev-master" }.


To use rssreader you'll have to set it up as a controller in Anax/MVC,

$di->set('RssController', function() use ($di) {
    $controller = new \petlid\RSSReader\RSSReaderController(:url);
    return $controller;

Important replace :url with the url (in quotation marks) of the RSS-feed you'd like to display.

To view the RSS-feed you can add a route to the viewAction in your front controller like this:

$app->router->add('rss', function() use ($app) {
        'controller' => 'RSS',
        'action'     => 'view',
        'params'     => [
            'noOfItems' => :noOfItems

the name of the added route is irrelevant. To access the route simply go to your front controller, for example index.php, and add '/rss' to the url.

Notice :noOfItems is the number of rss-articles you want in your feed. It is optional (and defaults to 5).

Lastly, copy the contents of petlid\rssreader\view into Anax-MVC\app\view.


You can choose to get some basic styling of the RSS-feed by copying the catalog petlid\rssreader\css into Anax-MVC\webroot and adding the stylesheet in the front controller from which you call $app->theme->addStylesheet('css/rss.css');