
PHP Library for Uploading all file types

2.2.3 2023-08-25 20:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-25 23:03:40 UTC


@author Fredrick Peterson (Tame Developers)

PHP Ultimate Image Uploader Library

|This Library uses Image Compressor by can Bachors

Github Link to Bachors Plugin


  • >= php5.3.3+


Prior to installing ultimate-uploader get the Composer dependency manager for PHP because it'll simplify installation.

Step 1 — update your composer.json:

"require": {
    "peterson/ultimate-uploader": "^2.2.3"

Or composer install:

composer require peterson/ultimate-uploader

Step 2 — run Composer:

composer update


Step 1 — Composer Instantiate class using:

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader;

$upload = new ultimateUploader();

Step 2 — PHP Direct Instantiate class using:

include_once "pat_to/ultimateUploader.php";

$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();
You can download and entire repo and copy the src file alone to directory of your project.
- src/ultimateUploader.php

Set Directory Path

Step 1:

$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();

Step 2 :

$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();

Set Url Path

Step 1:

$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();

Step 2:

$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();

Error Code

| ALL Error Code
| Some error can be skipped, depending on what you need

-> ERROR_400 - no file upload 
-> ERROR_401 - select file to upload
-> ERROR_402 - File upload size is bigger than allowed size limit
-> ERROR_403 - Maximum file allowed exceeded 
-> ERROR_404 - Uploaded file format not allowed
-> ERROR_404 - Image size allowed error
-> ERROR_500 - Input file `name[]` must be passed as an array
| *************************************

All Error code — response property (public) ->allError:

$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();
echo $upload->allError;

By default class has three (3) params on call (Instantiating)

-> errorDisallowed -- index array [], all error code to ignore
-> base_dir -- Path to base dir (NULL on default)
-> base_url -- Path to base storage url (NULL on default)

$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader([400, 401], 'path_to_dir', 'localhost/path_to_storage/folder');

- By default the error disallow array is empty
- By default the base dir, get path to your document root base directory
- By default the base url, get path to your base domain url/link

We have seven (7) parameter when calling the run Method from the class

-> fileUpload -- HTML input file name
-> folder_create -- Folder structure to use (Refer to Folder Create section for more detail)
-> upload_dir -- Directory to upload to (Do not pass in full path to folder)
-> type -- Mime Type to allow (Refer to MIME Types section for more detail)
-> size -- Maximum file size to allow (use any value of choice without conversion) i.e 2mb
-> limit_max -- Maximum upload limits
-> dimension_size -- For image dimension sizes (espects associative array). Please refer to DIMENSION PARAM ERROR


<input type="file" name="avatar[]">

Use case defined

** -> We used Object Method Chaining **
** -> $upload->run()->error()->success(); **
** -> a new callable function is espected to be passed to "error Method and success Method" **
** -> pass any param `name` of choice on error and success function call **
  • Plain Default setup
$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();
$upload->run('avatar', 'default', 'upload/avatar', 'images', '1.5mb', 1, ['height' => 500, 'width' => '300'])
		//you now have access to all public methods & properties using the $error var

		//you now have access to all public methods & properties using the $success var
  • Example 1
	//instantiate class
    $upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();
$upload->run('avatar', 'year', 'upload/avatar', 'images', '1.5mb', 1)
        //error message
        echo $response->data['message'];

		On Successful uploads --- ERROR_200

        //run auto resize
        $response->imageAutoResize(200, 100, false);

        //run watermark
        $response->waterMark('watermark.png', '50', '100', false); //Add watermark automatically

        //run compression
        $response->compress(true); //will replace original to compressred -v

        //->data properties contains all uploaded info
  • Example 2
	//instantiate class
    $upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader([400]);
    $upload->run('avatar', 'month', 'upload', 'images', '2.5mb', 2)

            //you can customize each error text message 
            if($response->data['status'] == 401){
                echo "Custom message - Please select a file to upload";
                return; //return key is used to stop further code exec on this function block only
            //error message
            echo $response->data['message'];

            //proccess further code blocks

  • Example 3
	//instantiate class
    $upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader([400]);
$upload->run('avatar', 'default', 'upload/avatar', 'images', '1.5mb', 1, ['height' => 500, 'width' => '300'])

		//you can customize each error text message 
		if($response->data['status'] == 401){
			echo "Custom message - Please select a file to upload";
		elseif($response->data['status'] == 405){
			echo "CUSTOM MSG - {$response->data['message']}";
		//error message
		echo $response->data['message'];

		//proccess further code blocks


$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();


    This will get all first uploaded data 
    returns as an array


$upload = new ultimateUploader\ultimateUploader();


    This will get all uploaded data 
    returns as an array


Dimension size error check on $upload->run();

->  Takes an associative array --- ['width' => 500, 'height' => 700, 'same' => false]
->  By default same is set to `false` if not set.

$upload->run(['width' => 500, 'height' => 700])

['same' => false] => "Will only check if height or weight is greater or equal to allowed dimension set"
['same' => true] => "Will only check if height or weight is equal to allowed dimension set"

Get Image Width And Height

Must be called before the  ->run Method for this to work
Useful for a single file upload like Cover Image or any other single upload

--- Takes just one param (HTML input file name)

//get file data
$width = $upload->getImageAttribute('path_to_img_file);


--- returns an assoc array

  ["height"]=> int(4209)
  ["width"]=> int(3368)

Image AutoResize

By default Image Autoresize is set to -> false
You need to set to -> true in other to enable the method

-- Autoresize takes the lowest length value between Width & Height to crop/resize image

$upload->imageAutoResize(200, 100, false);

Image WaterMark

By default Watermark is set to -> false
You need to set to -> true in other to enable the method

-- Watermark takes first param as path to image
i.e 'assets/image/watermark.png'

-- Second param is margin_right
-- third param if margin_bottom

$upload->waterMark('watermark.png', '50', '100', true);

Image Compress

By default Compressor is set to -> false
You need to set to -> true in other to enable the method

Best practice for compressing is to make this the last callback method after the rest



By default Folder structure parameter is set to -> 'default'
-- Do not worry as folder do not need to exists before it can be created.
-- All uploaded files return all dataset of all uploads

-> 'default' Upload directory name/filename.jpg
-> 'year' Upload directory name/2022/filename.jpg
-> 'month' Upload directory name/2022/10/filename.jpg
-> 'day' Upload directory name/2022/10/28/filename.jpg

  1. Default
    • Year
      • Month
        • Day
To use, pass in any of the below;
'default' | 'year' | 'month' | 'day' to the run method when calling

$upload->run('avatar', 'year', 'upload/avatar', 'images', '1.5mb', 1);


'video'         =>  ['.mp4', '.mpeg', '.mov', '.avi', '.wmv'],
'audio'         =>  ['.mp3', '.wav'],
'files'         =>  ['.docx', '.pdf', '.txt'],
'images'        =>  ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'],
'general_file'  =>  ['.docx', '.pdf', '.txt', '.zip', '.rar', '.xlsx', '.xls'],
'general_image' =>  ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.webp'],
'general_media' =>  ['.mp3', '.wav', '.mp4', '.mpeg', '.mov', '.avi', '.wmv']

Pass in any of this into the Type parameter section when calling the ->run Method
  • video
  • audio
  • files
  • general_file
  • images
  • general_image
  • general_media


	[status] => 200
	[message] => avatar Uploaded successfully 
	[file] => Array
	    [image] => Array
		    [0] => path_to_uploaded_file.jpeg

	    [new_image] => Array
		    [0] => 164471880099d95c853c830f6.jpeg

	    [folder] => Array
		    [0] => upload/164471880099d95c853c830f6.jpeg

	    [folder_real_path] => Array
		    [0] => C:/xampp/htdocs/ultimateUploader-main/upload/164471880099d95c853c830f6.jpeg

	    [folder_url] => Array
		    [0] => http://localhost/ultimateUploader-main/upload/164471880099d95c853c830f6.jpeg
	[ext] => Array
	    [0] => jpeg

Example Image

Sample Image With Watermark

Example Image Original

Image size of 2.2mb

Sample Original Image

Example Image Original - Compressed -v

Image compressed to 988kb
Watermarked and retain its original quality

Sample Original Compressed Image With Watermark

Useful links