
The update Language model to fix the default Waavi Language model compatibility issue in Laravel 4.2.

dev-master 2014-12-16 15:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 23:29:55 UTC


The Waavi/translation package is outdated and the author doesn't seem to work on it. So I make this package in order to fix the problem when use this in Laravel 4.2.

Note: This should only works for Laravel 4.2 version, not for Laravel 5 since the SoftDeletingTrait is removed.


Add this into your composer.json,

"require": {
    "petehouston/translation-model": "dev-master"

and run composer command to update the package.

$ composer update

You probably need to publish the configuration file from Waavi/translation package,

$ php artisan config:publish waavi/translation

Now edit the following part in app/config/packages/waavi/translation/config.php

| Language
| Configuration specific to the language management component. You may extend
| the default models or implement their corresponding interfaces if you need to.
'language'              =>  array(
    'model'     =>  'Language',

into this

| Language
| Configuration specific to the language management component. You may extend
| the default models or implement their corresponding interfaces if you need to.
'language'              =>  array(
    'model'     =>  'Petehouston\Models\Language',

Alright! You're ready to go.