
A custom package for Filament for handling enum values in Filament Admin.

1.1.0 2024-03-14 16:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 16:41:44 UTC


filament-enums is an extension to the peltonsolutions/laravel-enums package, designed specifically for Laravel developers. This package simplifies working with enumerated values in your Filament applications, thus enhancing the readability and maintainability of your code.

Like the laravel-enums package, filament-enums supports the use of named constants, improving the organization and clarity of your code. It leverages the features provided by laravel-enums, complementing them with additional functionalities tailored for Filament.

Optionally, this package allows you to make your Enum fields nullable through the NullableEnum class extension.


You can install the package via composer using the following command:

composer require peltonsolutions/filament-enums


class ContentPageStatus extends \PeltonSolutions\LaravelEnums\Models\Enum
	const DRAFT = 'draft';
	const SCHEDULED = 'scheduled';
	const PUBLISHED = 'published';
	const ARCHIVED = 'archived';

	public static function map(): array
		return [
			static::DRAFT => trans('content_page.statuses.draft'),
			static::SCHEDULED => trans('content_page.statuses.scheduled'),
			static::PUBLISHED => trans('content_page.statuses.published'),
			static::ARCHIVED => trans('content_page.statuses.archived'),
class ContentPage extends Model
	protected $casts = [
		'status' => ContentPageStatus::class
class ContentPageResource extends Resource
	protected static ?string $model = ContentPage::class;

	public static function form(Form $form): Form
		return $form

This will create a Select component that:

  1. Gives options from the map() function
  2. Makes the field required if it's not \PeltonSolutions\LaravelEnums\Models\NullableEnum
  3. Requires that the selected value matches one of the map() keys


To ensure that laravel-enums is functioning correctly, you can run the package's tests using:

NOTE: Tests are WIP. Having troubles writing tests that require the $record to tbe passed into the closures.

composer test


If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



filament-enums is open-sourced software. It's licensed under the MIT license, which is a permissive license allowing the software to be used, modified, and shared.