
A composer package that provides solutions for common PHP tasks

1.1.17 2016-09-20 18:20 UTC


#Help me \Rhonda Rhonda is a composer installable package that provides solutions to common PHP tasks.


  composer require peledies/rhonda:~1
  composer install

##Require in your project Add the folowing to your composer.json file

  "require": {
    "peledies/rhonda": "~1"

#Classes and Methods


Recursivly load all .php files in the provided path, excludes any index.php files.

Method Description
path(string) Path to load all php files recursively


  $load = new \Rhonda\Autoload();


Method Description
create() Create a new UUID


  $uuid = new \Rhonda\UUID();


Package all incomming request data into a singleton that can be accessed by your application. ALL data that goes through packager is automatically mysql_real_eacaped even array's and objects recursively.

Method Description
get('param') Get the provided query string parameter, mysql escaped
post() Get the provided request body, mysql escaped

In order to use this class you need to first run the packager right after Rhonda is included in your project

  # GET parameters
  $thing = \Rhonda\Request::get();
  # GET specific query string value
  $thing = \Rhonda\Request::get('string');
  # POST body
  $thing = \Rhonda\Request::post();


use \Rhonda\Request for a mysql escaped request body

Method Description
get(boolean) Get the provided request body, exception can be bypassed by putting TRUE as an argument


  $request_body = new \Rhonda\RequestBody();

OR Bypass exception

  $request_body = new \Rhonda\RequestBody();


Method Description
package(object/array/string) Package the data in an object with possible errors


  $response_package = new \Rhonda\Response($data);


Method Description
create() create a uniform success message
  echo \Rhonda\Success:: create();


  $msg = new \Rhonda\Success();
  echo $msg->create();


Method Description
handle() Fromat an exception for return. Also writes a pretty stack trace to the error log
deprecation_warning(message, alternate route) Adds a Warning header and changes the status code to 299
add_summary_item(Object) Adds any object to the error summary singleton
summary() Retrieves the error summary data Array
    throw new Exception("Demo Error Exception");
  }catch(\Exception $e){
    echo \Rhonda\Error::handle($e);


    throw new Exception("Demo Error Exception");
  }catch(\Exception $e){
    $error = new \Rhonda\Error();
    echo $error->handle($e);


Method Description
load_file() Load a JSON file into memory as an object for later retrieval
load_object() Load an object into memory for later retrieval
get() Retrieve a configuration object from memory
Load Object to memory
  $object = new stdClass();
  $object->thing_1 = 'something one';
  $object->thing_2 = 'something two';
  \Rhonda\Config::load_object('test_one', $object);

Load JSON file to memory

  // File path is relative to your project root
  $config->load_file('test_two', 'path/to/file.json');

Retrieve a configuration object from memory



Method Description
run(** optional **) Run a request to an external URL. optional boolean parameter for exception bypass

Make a request to an external address with custom headers and a request body

  $headers = array("Domain"=>"domain_1", "Authorization"=>"sometoken");
  $data = (object) array("handle"=>"demo_1", "password"=>"asdf");
  $api = new \Rhonda\APIGateway('POST','http://elguapo.eventlink.local/authenticateasdf/',$data, $headers);
  $data = $api->run();
}catch(\Exception $e){
  $error = new \Rhonda\Error();
  echo $error->handle($e);


Method Description
validate( type_string, test_string ) Return True/False
validate_or_error( type_string, test_string ) Return True/False or throws exception
normalize( string ) Returns normalized string

String Normalization

  • Removes non word characters
  • Converts the string to lowercse
  • Converts spaces and dashes to underscores
  • Trims trailing invalid characters

Validation Types

Type Description
'email' Verifies proper email structure
'username' Tests that string only includes a-z 0-9 . - or _

Test that a string is a valid email (without exception)

  // PASS
  $string = '';
  \Rhonda\Strings:: validate('email',$string);

  // FAIL
  $string = 'test@test';
  \Rhonda\Strings:: validate('email',$string);

  // Catch will not be invoked
}catch(\Exception $e){
  echo \Rhonda\Error:: handle($e);

Test that a string is a valid email (with exception)

  // PASS
  $string = '';
  \Rhonda\Strings:: validate_or_error('email',$string);

  // FAIL
  $string = 'test@test';
  \Rhonda\Strings:: validate_or_error('email',$string);

  // Catch will be invoked
}catch(\Exception $e){
  echo \Rhonda\Error:: handle($e);

Normalize a string

  $input = 'Some TEST-@#string-#$-!@';
  \Rhonda\Strings:: normalize($input);

  // Returns


Method Description
getallheaders() Return an Array of all request headers, works for Apache, PHP, and Nginx servers
set_response_code(integer) Set the response code and text to a specific value (accepts: 200, 209, 400, 404)

Retrieve All request headers as an Array

  $headers = \Rhonda\Headers:: getallheaders();


  $headers = new \Rhonda\Headers();


Method Description
real_escape(String, Array, Object) Escape the thing being passed in by utilizing mysqli and real_escape_string. These methods require a mysql connection so you will need to load a config file into the variable DB. real_escape uses utf-8 as the charset. When escaping an Array or Object, recursion is used and it will drill through the object/array and escape everything.
bool_to_string(STRING) Convert ANY truthy or falsy thing into a '1' or a '0' for mysql query building

Escape a String

$string = "that's all folks";
$string = \Rhonda\Mysql::real_escape($string);

Escape an Object

$object = new \stdClass();
$object->thing = "it's for real";
$object = \Rhonda\Mysql::real_escape($object);

Escape an Array

$array = array(
   "ray"=>"it's escaping arrays"
 , "ray2"=>"escape's this one too"
$array = \Rhonda\Mysql::real_escape($ray);

Convert to Mysql boolean

  $value = \Rhonda\Mysql:: bool_to_string('true');
  $mysql = new \Rhonda\Mysql();
  $value = $mysql->bool_to_string('true');


Method Description
register(optional) Register this application or micro service to the service chain.
report(Boolean) Return a string (default) or an Array of the service chain if parameter is set to TRUE

If you are using ServiceChain, register() should be one of the first things you do in your application, preferably immediately after the composer autoload.

The default behavior of register is to use your config object named system for a property named host. \Rhonda\ServiceChain:: register() will automatically use that value for the service name.

(Prefered) Register this micro service to the service chain using a config file

  require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

  // Load your configuration file to memory
  \Rhonda\Config:: load_file('system', 'path/to/file.json');

  // Register your service name
  \Rhonda\ServiceChain:: register();

Register this micro service to the service chain using a parameter

  require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

  // Register your service name
  \Rhonda\ServiceChain:: register('Service-Name');

Get the current service chain state

  // "Returns: service1 => service2 => etc"
  \Rhonda\ServiceChain:: report();

  // "Returns: array("service1", "service2", "etc")
  \Rhonda\ServiceChain:: report(TRUE);


Method Description
allow_headers() Set headers to allow CORS request


  $cors = new \Rhonda\CORS();


Method Description
evaluate(STRING) Read a string to change to a boolean TRUE/FALSE


  $boolean = new \Rhonda\Boolean();


Method Description
geo_code(STRING, ARRAY) Load and address with Google api key and Array of address parameters
  \Rhonda\Google::geo_code('google_api_key', array('1600 Amphitheatre Parkway', 'Mountain View', 'CA 94043', 'USA'));


  $googleApi = new \Rhonda\Google();
  $googleApi->geo_code('google_api_key', 'array_of_address_parameters');
Method Description
prepare_query_string(ARRAY) Prepare a Google Array of address parameters
  \Rhonda\Google::prepare_query_string(array('1600 Amphitheatre Parkway', 'Mountain View', 'CA 94043', 'USA'));


  $googleApi = new \Rhonda\Google();
  $googleApi->prepare_query_string(array('1600 Amphitheatre Parkway', 'Mountain View', 'CA 94043', 'USA'));