
A simple PHP logging class.

dev-master 2015-09-20 17:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 16:28:19 UTC



loggy is a simple PHP logging class.

It helps you log messages to a file.



First, create some blank files to store your logs. Make sure they are writable.

// Create a default version of loggy.
// default = $loggy->(TRUE, 20, 80, 'D F j, G:i:s T, Y', 'UTC);
$loggy = new loggy();

// Create a custom version of loggy.
$write_enabled = TRUE; // Enable writing to files.
$type_width = 30; // Width allocated to the message type.
$divider_width = 100; // Width allocated to the divider.
$date_format = 'D F j, G:i:s T'; //
$timezone_identifier = 'Asia/Toykyo'; //
$loggy = new loggy(

// Options can also be set after initialization.
$loggy->write_enabled = FALSE;
$loggy->type_width = 35;
$loggy->divider_width = 50;
$loggy->date_format = 'D F j';
$loggy->timezone_identifier = 'UTC';

Modifying The Logs

// Add a message to the log.
$type = 'error';
$message = 'Parsing failed';
$loggy->add($type, $message);

// Clear the log.

// Clear one type.

// Clear many types.
$loggy->clear(array('error', 'feature', 'warning'));

Returning Log Information

// Get the log.
$log = $loggy->get();

// Get one logged type.
$log = $loggy->get('error');

// Get many logged types.
$log = $loggy->get(array('error', 'feature', 'warning'));

// Count all the logged items.
$num_logged_items = $loggy->count();

// Count only one type of logged items.
$num_errors = $log = $loggy->count('error');

// Get many types of logged items,
$num_items = $loggy->count(array('error', 'feature', 'warning'));

Writing Log To File

// Write the entire logs at the end of the desired file.
$filename = 'logs.txt';

// Write one type at the end of the desired file.
$filename = 'logs.txt';
$type = 'error';
$loggy->write($filename, $type);

// Write many types at the end of the desired file.
$filename = 'logs.txt';
$types = array('error', 'feature', 'warning');
$loggy->write($filename, $types);