
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Este pacote foi criado apenas para complementar Zend Framework 2

dev-master 2015-01-19 11:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-10 15:28:42 UTC


Zend Framework 2 - JQuery Validate

Install for composer: "pedro151/zfcomplement": "dev-master"

  1. move the 'js' folder to the 'public'

  2. in config/autoload/global.php insert:

     'zf-complement' => array (
        'jquery' => array (
            'version'       => "2.1.3",                   //optional
            'ui-version'    => "1.11.2",                  //optional
            'enable'        => true,                      //optional
            'ui-enable'     => false,                     //optional
            'local-path'    => '/js/jquery/jquery.js',    //optional
            'ui-local-path' => null,                      //optional
            'ui-enable'     => false,                     //optional
            'load-ssl-path' => true,                      //optional
            'validate'      => array (
                'useTwitterBootstrap' => true,            //optional
                'validate-path'       => '/js/validate/' //optional

3)in module.config.php insert:

    'view_helpers'    => array (
        'factories' => array (
            'Jquery' => function ( $sm )
                return new ZfComplement\JQuery\View\Helper\Jquery($sm);
  1. with a view/layout/layout.php enter the above code the function headScript and InlineScript
    <?php $this->jquery()->get('validate');?>
  1. use the function below the controller to enter forms in view:
        $this->getEvent ()
             ->getViewModel ()
             ->setVariables ( array('form'=>$form) );