
PDF Package Arabic based on tcpdf library support for laravel 5 version 1.0

dev-master 2018-12-27 17:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:43:07 UTC


A PDF Package Support Arabic Based On TCPDF Developed By PhpAnonymous ( phpanonymous.com ) Laravel Version 5 and Above ##Install with Composer

composer require pdfanonymous/phpanonymous:dev-master

Provider Class

put on your config/app.php in provider array this class


#Aliases add this on aliases array

'PDF' =>  PDFAnony\TCPDF\Facades\AnonyPDF::class,

#publish with composer run this command php artisan vendor:publish


you can use The PDF Class anywhere you want it , in Controller or Blade File

Just Call Class PDF::HTML($yourArraySettings);

Like That

$html = view('youblade_path',['dataloop'=>$yourdataloop])->render(); // file render
// or pure html 
$html = '<h1>مرحبا بكم فى العالم </h1>';
 $pdfarr = [
		'title'=>'اهلا بكم ',
		'data'=>$html, // render file blade with content html
		'header'=>['show'=>false], // header content
		'footer'=>['show'=>false], // Footer content
		'font'=>'aealarabiya', //  dejavusans, aefurat ,aealarabiya ,times
		'font-size'=>12, // font-size 
		'text'=>'', //Write
		'rtl'=>true, //true or false 
		'creator'=>'phpanonymous', // creator file - you can remove this key
		'keywords'=>'phpanonymous keywords', // keywords file - you can remove this key
		'subject'=>'phpanonymous subject', // subject file - you can remove this key
		'filename'=>'phpanonymous.pdf', // filename example - invoice.pdf
		'display'=>'print', // stream , download , print


you can set state display if want stream or download or auto print file pdf and you can set file name and other setting

1 - rtl can be disable it or enable

2 - can render file blade with data key or put html code i'ts easy

3 - you have 4 fonts type dejavusans, aefurat ,aealarabiya ,times | default is aealarabiya just change if you want :)

4 - you can set font size the default value is 12

5 - text key you can remove it or null any way

6 - you can set information file creator or keywords or subject

7 - finally you can set your title file :) i'ts more setting coming soon

this package based on tcpdf library (https://tcpdf.org)

this package supported arabic character 100% and supported rtl 100%

Sorry Can't Support A Twitter Bootstrap Right now But i well do it soon

if you have any questions about this package join us on group facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/anonymouses.developers)

Enjoy :)