
Magento plugin for padawan.php

dev-master 2016-11-27 22:28 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 00:24:46 UTC


Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Join the chat at https://gitter.im/pbogut/padawan.php-magento

A Magento plugin for padawan.php completion server. Adds factory names completion when ones using Mage::helper(), Mage::getModel(), Mage::getRosourceModel() and Mage::getSingleton() (Mage::getStoreConfig() and Mage::getStoreConfigFlag() are going to be add later). It is also resolving types after using methods above.


The plugin is in the development phase and is not stable. Delivered as it is without any warranty. Use it at your own risk. Said that I'm using it every day for Magento development and so can you.


demo demo2


Plugin is working with stable version of padawan.php (currently v0.2.1). In the master version plugins are not loaded, see #62.


The plugin can be install by the composer: composer.phar global require pbogut/padawan-magento

Then plugin needs to be added to padawan server: padawan plugin add pbogut/padawan-magento

In theory, that should be it. If you are not using composer in your Magento project padawan may complain about vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php. In that case its enough if you create that file and return empty array inside: echo '<?php return [];' > ./vendor/completion/autoload_classmap.php

How it works?

When you use it for the first time in your project, the plugin will check XML files by using Mage class. That may take few seconds, so completion may not work with the first usage.

Currently, padawan does not support custom actions for plugins so there is no easy way to detect XML file changes. To get up to date with completion for Magento (ie. when XML file is changed, or new extension added) padawan server need to be restarted. The plugin is also implementing the hackish way to rebuild data when you type Mage::padawan_refresh( in any PHP file. However, the plugin is checking for flag file in a .padawan directory in a project root. If there is magento_reload_xml file plugin will refresh data from Magento XML files.

This can be automated by an editor. Below example for Vim:

:autocmd BufWritePre *.xml :silent! !touch .padawan/magento_reload_xml




Any contribution is welcome.