
A minimal project that allows you to quickly create a new library based on Symfony using useful tools: standard-version, php-cs-fixer, phpstan, phpunit.

1.2.1 2024-02-29 20:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 21:59:18 UTC


A minimal project that allows you to quickly create a new bundle based on Symfony using useful tools: standard-version, php-cs-fixer, phpstan, phpunit, docker, xdebug and my own starting script. It is ready to support debugging with Visual Studio Code - just look into .env.local ;).



How to start

Create directory for Your project, get in (cd {Your directory}) and run command:

composer create-project pbaszak/bundle-skeleton . --no-interaction

Start local environment using this command:

# first use
bash start.sh vendor/package

# all next uses
bash start.sh

and voila! Your local environment is ready to development bundle with useful tools.

How to use Standard Version

If You don't have node_modules directory run:

npm install

First release:

npm run version:first-release

Major, Minor, Patch version update:

npm run version:major
# or
npm run version:minor
# or
npm run version:patch

Push tags:

npm run version:release
# or
npm run release

Check package.json for understand what commands do.

How to use PHPStan

Main command:

docker exec php composer code:analyse

but, if You need to add errors to ignored:

docker exec php composer code:analyse:b

How to use PHP CS Fixer

docker exec php composer code:fix

How to use XDebug in Visual Studio Code

Create new file in Your project: .vscode/launch.json

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Listen for xDebug",
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "port": 5902,
            "hostname": "",
            "pathMappings": {
                "/app/": "${workspaceRoot}"

Uncomment environments in .env.local:

XDEBUG_CONFIG=" client_port=5902 idekey=VSCODE client_host=host.docker.internal discover_client_host=0 start_with_request=yes"

Type Ctrl + Shift + D and run Listen for xDebug.