
Rails like route helpers to easily generate paths to your laravel controllers

2.0.0 2020-10-27 21:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 06:56:34 UTC


Build Status

Route helpers are simple function that will generate paths to your application resources.

For instance if you have a PostsController you'll get these helpers:

  • posts_path()
  • post_path()
  • new_post_path()
  • edit_post_path()

Which can in turn be used in your views/app like so:

<a href="{{ posts_path() }}">Posts</a>
<a href="{{ new_post_path() }}">Got to the post creation form</a>
<a href="{{ post_path($post) }}">Show the given post</a>
<a href="{{ edit_post_path($post) }}">Edit the given post</a>

<form method="POST" action="{{ posts_path() }}">
    <!-- Form to create a new post -->

<form method="POST" action="{{ post_path($post) }}">
    <!-- Form to edit the given post -->
redirect()->to(posts_path()); // Redirect to posts.index

The end goal is to leverage autocompletion in order to rapidly create path to our resources while not having to remember the exact route name.


You can install this package using composer

composer require paulhenri-l/laravel-route-helpers


Register your routes just as usual but give them names. On the next application boot the helpers will be generated and loaded.

Your route names should be one of the 7 restful names used by laravel (*.index, *.create, *.store, *.show, *.edit, *.update and *.destroy)

Your route names should only contain alpha numeric characters, dots and underscores any route that does not comply to this pattern will not get helpers generated for it.

Route::resource('comments', 'CommentsController');

This will generate these helpers:


Nested resources

If you are nesting your resources the generated helpers will keep the nesting.

Route::resource('posts.comments', 'PostsCommentsController');

Irregular names

If you are using irregular names for your resources, the correct singular form will be used for the helpers.

Route::resource('people', 'PeopleController');

If this tool cannot guess the correct singular form for your route name you'll have to configure it:

Singular resources

If you have singular resources you cannot use the index function as it would create conflicts between the plural and singular helpers.

Route::resource('account', 'AccountController')->except('index');

Helpers works just like the route function


posts_path(['query' => 'param']);
posts_path(['query' => 'param'], true);
post_comment_path([$post, $comment]);

Compile the helpers file manually

When you run your application using the local environement the helpers file will get recompiled whenever you change your routes file.

In any other environment the helpers file if not present will be generated on the first boot of your application.

You can also manually launch the generation of the helpers file by calling this artisan command.

php artisan route:compile-helpers


If you have any questions about how to use this library feel free to open an issue.

If you think that the documentation or the code could be improved in any way open a PR and I'll happily review it!