
A better HtmlBuilder for Laravel 4 (including support for raw, non-escaped HTML and more tags)

dev-master 2014-09-11 04:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 02:05:54 UTC


An expanded, backwards compatible HtmlBuilder for Laravel 4 which features raw HTML (and nesting builder methods), methods for all HTML5 tags, convenience functions for common tasks like creating <meta name="description"> tags, and simple wrapping capabilities.


{{ Html::div(Html::linkAction('HomeController@index', 'Back to Home'), ['class' => 'home-link']) }}

{{ Html::nav(Html::ul([

    Html::linkAction('HomeController@index', 'Home'),
    Html::linkAction('AboutUsController@index', 'About Us'),
    Html::linkAction('BlogController@index', 'Blog'),
    Html::linkAction('ContactController@form', 'Contact Us'),

], ['class' => 'navigation-list'])) }}


First, add the following line to "require" in your composer.json:

"parker/laravel-betterhtml": "~0.1"

Next, run composer update from the command line. After that, need to replace the following service provider in your app.php config file (feel free to comment it out):


with this:


To be able to access Better HtmlBuilder with the HTML facade, you need to replace the following alias in your app.php config file (feel free to comment it out):

'HTML' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\HTML',

with this:

'HTML' => 'Parker\BetterHtml\Support\Facades\HTML',

Additionally, because of the way that Laravel's e() helper is defined and used (see laravel/framework PR #4783), you also need to include BetterHtml's custom e() helper in your app/start/global.php:

| Load the Better HtmlBuilder helpers
| Here we load helpers for the Better HtmlBuilder so that they can
| override ones provided by laravel in Illuminate\Support\helpers.php.

$betterHtmlVendor = $app['path.base'] . '/vendor/parker/laravel-betterhtml';

require $betterHtmlVendor . '/src/Parker/BetterHtml/Support/helpers.php';


Do you know a way that we can make Laravel's HtmlBuilder even better? Please submit your ideas in the form of an issue on this repository with your proposal and a sample use case. Bug pull requests are greatly appreciated (but reports are fine too if you can't track down the cause yourself).


  • PHP >= 5.4.0
  • Laravel 4.2


BetterHtmlBuilder for Laravel 4 is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.