
API Query Filter for data providers (Eloquent models)

1.2.4 2024-04-19 12:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-19 12:43:00 UTC


QueryFilter based on "Laravel Query Builder"

What if we need to build a query string in "safe" mode? 🤔

Or do we have multiple routes to get the sibling lists of models? 🙇

For example:

 * @property $id int
 * @property $firstname string
 * @property $lastname string
 * @property $role string|null
 * @property $created_at Carbon
class User {}

// ...

Route::get('/users', [UserController::class, 'users']);
Route::get('/users/superusers', [UserController::class, 'superusers']);
Route::get('/users/all', [UserController::class, 'all']);

// ...

class UserController {
    public function users() {
        return User::query()->whereNull('role')->get();
    public function superusers() {
        return User::query()->whereNotNull('role')->get();
    public function all() {
        return User::query()->orderBy('username')->get();

Instead of this we can build query through query params! 🙋

Also, we can change pagination page and limit, query sort direction or use filter conditions. 🧐

Let's create DataProvider for model User:

use Papalapa\Laravel\QueryFilter\BaseDataProvider;

final class UserDataProvider extends BaseDataProvider
     * Default sorting columns, when other not set 
    protected array $defaultSort = [
        'id' => 'asc',
     * Final sorting columns, which use always 
    protected array $finalSort = [
        'created_at' => 'desc',
     * Safe-attributes to use in filtration 
    protected array $allowedFilter = [
        'name' => ['lastname', 'firstname'], // alias of two columns

     *  Safe-attributes to use in sorting
    protected array $allowedSort = [
        'name' => ['lastname', 'firstname'], // alias of two columns
        'datetime' => 'created_at',

    protected function makeBuilder() : EloquentBuilder
        return User::query()

Ok, now we are ready to refactor our routes and controller:

Route::get('/users', [UserController::class, 'users']);

class UserController {
    public function users(UserDataProvider $dataProvider) {
        return $dataProvider->paginate();

That is all! 💥 But how it works? ❓

Our new request must contain special query attributes to control query building: ⚡

    ?_filter={"name": "^John", "or": [ {"role": "admin"}, {"role": "manager"} ], "and": [ {"datetime": ">=2021-01-01"}, {"datetime": "<=2021-02-01"} ]}

Built SQL-query will be: ✨

SELECT id, firstname, lastname, role
FROM users
      ((lastname LIKE 'John%') OR (firstname LIKE 'John%'))
      ((role = 'admin') OR (role = 'manager'))
      ((created_at >= '2021-01-01') AND (created_at <= '2021-02-01'))
ORDER BY created_at ASC, lastname DESC, firstname DESC, created_at DESC 

Addition conditions:

<> >= != <= > = <

! === NOT LIKE '%xxx%'
* === LIKE '%xxx%'
^ === LIKE '%xxx'
$ === LIKE 'xxx%'

What with NULL:

{"role": null} === role IS NULL
{"role": "~"} === role IS NOT NULL
{"is null": "role"}
{"is not null": "role"}

Easy! 🙂