Package to provide standardisation to the pipe pattern

v2.0.0 2019-02-25 13:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-26 00:55:49 UTC


Repository to provide a simple implementation of the pipeline pattern in PHP.

To use implement the Pipeline trait. Call ->pipe() from your class passing a list of objects that implement the ProvidesPipeline class. Optionally use InitializePipeline helper class to get your values into the pipeline.

See the Example folder inside the tests folder for a working example.

return $this->pipe(
        new InitializePipeline($value),
        new DivideByTwo,
        new DivideByTwo,
        new TimesByOneThousand,
        new TimesByOneThousand


To install this package into your composer projects run:

composer require pangolinkeys/pipe

Context Pipeline

You can optionally implement ProvidesContextPipeline to be passed an instance of the piping object within the pipeline. This will be given as a second parameter to the handle method.

Pipe by class name

As of v2 you can define a pipeline by reference to the class name and allow the pipeline to handle class instantiation.

return $this->pipe(
    new InitializePipeline($value),