
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.4.5) of this package.

v1.4.5 2021-10-10 03:43 UTC


An authentication and authorization plugin for pails loosely based on UserPie ( At this point it's a near-complete rewrite.


  • pails
  • pails/activerecord
  • pails/actionmailer

We recommend using composer to get the dependencies. Furthermore, we recommend not installing the dependencies for pails-auth directly, but listing pails-auth as a dependency in your pails application's composer.json file.


In the root of a pails app, run

composer require pails/auth


Inside any controller where you want to make use of the authentication/authorization methods, use the PailsAuthentication trait.

class DefaultController extends Pails\Controller
	use PailsAuthentication;

You can then use the before actions require_login or require_anonymous:

$before_actions = array(
	'require_login' => array('except' => array('index', 'about', 'contact'))

Two utility methods, is_logged_in and current_user, are also provided.


pails-auth is a core plugin maintained and supported by Brian Parks.