
Creating and loading private/public OpenSSH keys

v0.5.1 2023-10-06 17:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-05 18:50:14 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Tests

This package allows you to easily generate OpenSSH private/public key pairs, which can be used as authentication method in SSH connections.

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PrivateKey;
use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PublicKey;

// generating an OpenSSH key
$privateKey = PrivateKey::generate();
$publicKey = $privateKey->getPublicKey();

// (only RSA keys) keys can be used to encrypt/decrypt data
$data = 'my secret data';

$encryptedData = $publicKey->encrypt($data); // returns something unreadable
$decryptedData = $privateKey->decrypt($encryptedData); // returns 'my secret data'

Most functions in this package are wrappers around phpseclib functions.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require pacoorozco/openssh


You can generate a private key using the generate function and saving it to a file:

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PrivateKey;

$privateKey = PrivateKey::generate();

Loading keys

To load a key from a file use the fromFile static method:

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PrivateKey;
use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PublicKey;


Alternatively, you can also create a key object using a string.

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PrivateKey;
use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PublicKey;


At any time, you can obtain the public key from a private key

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PrivateKey;

$privateKey = PrivateKey::fromString($privateKeyContent);
$publicKey = $privateKey->getPublicKey();

[RSA keys only] Encrypting a message with a public key, decrypting with the private key

Here's how you can encrypt data using the public key, and how to decrypt it using the private key.

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PrivateKey;
use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PublicKey;

$data = 'my secret data';

$publicKey = PublicKey::fromFile($pathToPublicKey);
$encryptedData = $publicKey->encrypt($data); // encrypted data contains something unreadable

$privateKey = PrivateKey::fromFile($pathToPrivateKey);
$decryptedData = $privateKey->decrypt($encryptedData); // decrypted data contains 'my secret data'

If decrypt cannot decrypt the given data (maybe a non-matching public key was used to encrypt the data, or maybe tampered with the data), an exception of class \PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\Exceptions\BadDecryptionException will be thrown.

Determining if the data can be decrypted

The PrivateKey class has a canDecrypt method to determine if given data can be decrypted.

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PrivateKey;

PrivateKey::fromFile($pathToPrivateKey)->canDecrypt($data); // returns a boolean;

Signing and verifying data

The PrivateKey class has a method sign to generate a signature for the given data. The verify method on the PublicKey class can be used to verify if a signature is valid for the given data.

If verify returns true, you know for certain that the holder of the private key signed the message, and that it was not tampered with.

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PrivateKey;
use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\PublicKey;

$signature = PrivateKey::fromFile($pathToPrivateKey)->sign('my message'); // returns a string

$publicKey = PublicKey::fromFile($pathToPublicKey);

$publicKey->verify('my message', $signature) // returns true;
$publicKey->verify('my modified message', $signature) // returns false;

Validating inputs (Laravel)

You can use this library to validate form inputs.

To validate if an input is a valid public or private key you can use:

use PacoOrozco\OpenSSH\Rules\PublicKeyRule;


    public function rules(): array
        return [
            'public_key' => [
                new PublicKeyRule(),
            'private_key' => [
                new PrivateKeyRule(),


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.