
Create ads banner using GD Image library

dev-main 2023-07-16 15:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 17:39:06 UTC


A PHP class for Creating ads banner from an image. Uses PHP and GD, Imagick or Gmagick, color-thief-php libraries to make it happen.

example image


  • PHP >= 7.2 or >= PHP 8.0
  • Fileinfo extension
  • One or more PHP extensions for image processing:
    • GD >= 2.0
    • Imagick >= 2.0 (but >= 3.0 for CMYK images)
    • Gmagick >= 1.0
  • Supports JPEG, PNG.

How to use

Install via Composer

The recommended way to install Laravel Gd Ads is through Composer:

composer require packitifotech/laragdads

Get the dominant color from an image

use Packitifotech\Laragdads\Laragdads;
$image1 = public_path('fruits.jpg');
$image2 = public_path('orange.jpg');
$fontPath = public_path('FjallaOne-Regular.ttf');
$text = "The tree that bears the most fruit gets the most attention. Allow the fruit to fall and rot";
$gdImage = Laragdads::createHorizontalAdsBanner(fImagepath: $image1, sImagePath:$image2, fontPath:$fontPath, text:$text, resizeWidth:null, resizeHeight:null);
Laragdads::saveAdsBannerPng($horizontalAds, Storage::path('public/ads'));

The $image1 and $image2 variable must contain absolute path of the image on the server. The $fontPath variable must contain absolute path of the image on the server.

Laragdads::saveAdsBannerPng(gdImage: $gdImage, storagePath: $storagePath)

You can save banner gd instance image in png by calling saveAdsBannerPng method



by Tushar Sawant

Based on the fabulous work done by Lokesh Dhakar
