
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Useful library functionality for testing Laravel Apps

1.2.0 2020-07-30 00:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-11-05 23:05:07 UTC


ARCHIVED: This project is archived and no longer maintained.

This library adds in test utilities and a useful framework for Laravel projects.



  • Laravel 7.8+
  • PHPUnit 8+
  • PHP 7.3+

Install using composer:

composer require --dev package-for-laravel/testing-framework


Unit Test Cases

This project sets up a three-stage or level testing framework:

  • Unit Smallest test cases that interact with only themselves. Think string filtering class.
  • Integration Tests that are similar to unit tests but interact with something else, like a database. Think testing Model query scopes.
  • Feature Feature tests test from http request to response. Think API testing or validating a form submits successfully.

When you set up your tests directory, you may make three folders named after those types. Then, you can extend a Test Case named after each.

For example, you may have the file tests/Unit/Models/User.php that looks like this:


namespace Tests\Unit\Models;

use PackageForLaravel\TestingFramework\TestCases\UnitTestCase;

class UserTests extends UnitTestCase

These test cases expect you still have the default Laravel Framework testing setup. Specifically, they will extend Tests\TestCase from your own application. (This most likely creates the application anyway so you probably have it.)

Features for all Tests

The todo() method will mark the test as incomplete. So, if you want to come back to it later, you can do so. This is nice because sometimes you know what you want to test at the time, but you might not be able to do so. For example:

public function testGetsFullName(): void

This way, you won't forget to test the full name later. But, your tests will still execute properly.

Features of Unit Test Case

With Unit Test Case, an exception is thrown if a test accessed the database during execution.

Features of Integration Test Case

Integration test case will run the database migrations from RefreshDatabase, which sets up the transactions. It will also call all your seeders.

Features of Feature Test Case

The features test case includes a createActingAs() method. This allows you to pass in properties that will be passed over to your User model factory. When the user is created, it will be saved to the database, then also added to a protected property $this->actingAs and returned as well. By default, it will create the user model you have set in your config. You can override this with the second parameter, though.

public function testUserInfoShown(): void
  $user = $this->createActingAs([
    'name' => 'Guy Smiley'
    ->assertSee('Guy Smiley');

Next, it features the method noAuthRedirectTest() which takes a url. This will validate that the user is redirected if they are not authenticated.

You can also specify the method of http request as the second parameter. By default, the redirect to is a route named login but you can override this as the third parameter.

public function testDashboardRequiresUserAuth(): void

public function testUpdateProfileRequiresAuth(): void
  $this->noAuthRedirectTest(route('users.update'), 'PUT');

Deep Inspection

Very rarely should you need to do deep inspection of your methods and properties in your unit testing. However, sometimes it becomes so hard to develop a complex mocking system (or a collection of final classes make it impossible to) that it requires you to call and access non-public properties and methods. While this is not recommended (and if you find yourself using this functionality often, you should consider it a code smell), you can do so with the following functionality:

First, register the global helpers in your PHPUnit bootstrap. You can do so like this:


Now, you will have the following functionality:

callMethod() which calls a method deeply on a class and returns the value.

For example:

class Mine
  protected function hiddenFunctionality(string $name): string
    return $name . ' has secrets!';

public function testSecretsGeneratedProperly(): void
  $mine = new Mine();
  $this->assertEquals('aaron has secrets!', callMethod($mine, 'hiddenFunctionality', ['aaron']));

getProperty() is basically the same functionality, but to get a property.

class Mine
  protected $about = '';

  public function __construct()
    $this->about = 'me';

public function testItsAllAboutMe(): void
  $mine = new Mine();
  $this->assertEquals('me', getProperty($mine, 'about'));


Where are your tests? That's kind of a circular reference - testing a testing framework right? But alas, there are none right now.


This package is created and maintained by Aaron Saray