pacerit / laravel-repository
Standalone repository pattern package for Laravel and Lumen framework
- php: ^8.0
- ext-json: *
- ext-libxml: *
- ext-simplexml: *
- illuminate/container: ^9.0
- illuminate/contracts: ^9.0
- illuminate/database: ^9.0
- illuminate/support: ^9.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
- yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle: This package is required if you want to use datatable() function in CoreRepository class implementation (only for Laravel framework)
- dev-master
- 5.0.0
- 4.x-dev
- 4.1.1
- 4.1.0
- 4.0.1
- 4.0.0
- 3.x-dev
- 3.0.11
- 3.0.10
- 3.0.9
- 3.0.8
- 3.0.7
- 3.0.6
- 3.0.5
- 3.0.4
- 3.0.3
- 3.0.2
- 3.0.1
- 3.0.0
- 2.x-dev
- 2.0.17
- 2.0.16
- 2.0.15
- 2.0.14
- 2.0.13
- 2.0.12
- 2.0.11
- 2.0.10
- 2.0.9
- 2.0.8
- 2.0.7
- 2.0.6
- 2.0.5
- 2.0.4
- 2.0.3
- 2.0.2
- 2.0.1
- 2.0.0
- 1.x-dev
- 1.0.11
- 1.0.10
- 1.0.9
- 1.0.8
- 1.0.7
- 1.0.6
- 1.0.5
- 1.0.4
- 1.0.3
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
- dev-develop
- dev-2.x.x-dev
- dev-3.x.x-dev
- dev-4.x.x-dev
- dev-feature/tests
- dev-1.x.x-dev
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2023-03-28 12:20:58 UTC
Standalone repository pattern package for Laravel and Lumen framework.
You can install this package by composer:
composer require pacerit/laravel-repository
For more configuration, you can publish configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "PacerIT\LaravelRepository\Providers\LaravelRepositoryServiceProvider"
Version compatibility
Framework | Package | Note |
5.8.x | ^1.x.x | No longer maintained. |
6.0.x | ^2.x.x | Bug fixes only. |
7.x.x | ^3.x.x | Bug fixes only. |
8.x.x | ^4.x.x | PHP ^8.0 Supported from 4.1.0 |
9.x.x | ^5.x.x |
Framework | Package | Note |
5.8.x | ^1.1.x | No longer maintained. |
6.0.x | ^2.x.x | Bug fixes only. |
7.x.x | ^3.x.x | Bug fixes only. |
8.x.x | ^4.x.x | PHP ^8.0 Supported from 4.1.0 |
9.x.x | ^5.x.x |
To use Repositories, create repository class that:
- Extend CoreRepository class
- Implements interface that extend CoreRepositoryInterface
For example, this is implementation of repository for Example entity:
interface ExampleRepositoryInterface extends CoreRepositoryInterface {}
ExampleRepository class. This class has to implement entity() method, that return namespace of entity that will be used by repository.
class ExampleRepository extends CoreRepository implements ExampleRepositoryInterface { /** * Model entity class that will be use in repository * * @return CoreRepositoryInterface * @author Wiktor Pacer <> * @since 2019-07-05 */ public function entity(): string { return Example::class; } }
Using repositories
To use Repository in controller or other class you can use dependency injection or Container. Below is sample code of using service in controller.
class ExampleController extends Controller { /** * @var ExampleRepositoryInterface $exampleRepository */ protected $exampleRepository; public function __construct(ExampleRepositorynterface $exampleRepository){ $this->exampleRepository = $exampleRepository; } .... }
Available methods
- makeEntity() - make new entity instance
- getEntity() - return previously set entity instance
- setEntity() - set entity instance
- pushCriteria() - push new criteria to use in query (passed class must be implementation of CoreRepositoryCriteria)
- popCriteria() - delete given criteria from use (if exist)
- getCriteria() - return collection of actualy set criteria
- applyCriteria() - apply criteria to use in query
- skipCriteria() - skip criteria in query
- clearCriteria() - clear criteria colleciton - delete all pushed criterias
- all(array $columns) - get all records
- get(array $columns) - get records (with criteria)
- first(array $columns) - get first record (with criteria)
- create(array $parameters) - create new entity record
- updateOrCreate(array $where, array $values) - update existing record, or create new
- update(int $id, array $parameters) - update entity by ID
- delete(int $id) - delete entity record by ID
- firstOrNew(array $where) - return first entity record if found, otherwise return new entity
- orderBy(string $column, string $direction) - order records by column
- with($relations) - add relations sub-query
- transactionBegin() - begin database transaction
- transactionCommit() - commit transaction
- transactionRollback() - rollback transaction
- findWhere(array $where, array $columns) - return all records that match where array
- findWhereIn(string $column, array $where, array $columns)
- findWhereNotIn(string $column, array $where, array $columns)
- chunk(int $limit, callable $callback, array $columns) - chunk query results
- count(array $columns) - count results
- paginate($perPage, $columns, $pageName, $page) - paginate results
- simplePaginate($perPage, $columns, $pageName, $page) - paginate results
- has($relation, $operator, $count, $bolean, $callback) - where has relation
- orHas($relation, $operator, $count) - or where has relation
- whereHas($relation, $callback, $operator, $count)
- orWhereHas($relation, $callback, $operator, $count)
- whereDoesntHave($relation, $callback)
- orWhereDoesntHave($relation, $callback)
- withCount($relations)
- doesntHave($relation, $boolean, $callback)
- orDoesntHave($relation)
- hasMorph($relation, $types, $operator, $count, $boolean, $callback)
- orHasMorph($relation, $types, $operator, $count)
- doesntHaveMorph($relation, $types, $boolean, $callback)
- orDoesntHaveMorph($relation, $types)
- whereHasMorph($relation, $types, $callback, $operator, $count)
- orWhereHasMorph($relation, $types, $callback, $operator, $count)
- whereDoesntHaveMorph($relation, $types, $callback)
- orWhereDoesntHaveMorph($relation, $types, $callback)
- sum($column)
Additional methods (Laravel only)
- datatable() - return EloquentDataTable instance for records. In order to user with method, you must install suggested "yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle" package, and add "WithDatatable" trait in your repository of choice.
Built-in criteria
List of criteria, provider by default with this package:
- DateCriteria - search records with given date range
- FindWhereCriteria
- FindWhereInCriteria
- FindWhereNotInCriteria
- LimitCriteria
- OrWhereCriteria
- Select2Criteria - criteria useful when implementing Select2
- OffsetCriteria
- FindWhereOrWhereCriteria
Information: In order to use Caching feature in repository, you must use cache driver that support tags. Actually "file" and "database" drivers are not supported.
More information in in laravel documentation.
To use caching in CoreRepository implementation, simply add WithCache trait in your repository of choice. Trait will handle cache for methods:
- all()
- get()
- first()
- firstOrNew()
- firstOrNull()
- findWhere()
- findWhereIn()
- findWhereNotIn()
- paginate()
- simplePaginate()
- count()
- sum()
You can user criteria with this functions, and results will be cached.
Repository automatically flush cache, when method create(), updateOrCreate(), update(), delete() is call.
Tag by user ID
By default repository cache adding actual authenticated user ID as tag. That provide possibility to separate cached data among users. That feature is useful for entities strictly associated to User (i.e. Account operation, Account details), when cached data will be flushed for each user separately - not for all repository, with save resources.
But for other entities (.i.e. Articles in CMS system), this solution can be annoying, so to disable this feature for selected repository call skipUserTag() method in __construct(). Example:
class ExampleRepository extends CoreRepository implements ExampleRepositoryInterface { use WithCache; /** * ExampleRepository constructor. * * @param Container $app * @throws RepositoryEntityException * @throws BindingResolutionException */ public function __construct(Container $app) { parent::__construct($app); $this->skipUserTag(); } }
In some situation (i.e. in Jobs or Commands) you may want to manually update user data, and flush tagged cache for him. You can use setUserTag () function to manually set user ID for cache tag. To clear it use clearUserTag() function.
Skipping cache
To force fetch data from database, skipping cached data, use skipCache() method. Example:
Disable cache
To quick disable cache i.ex for debugging, set REPOSITORY_CACHE variable to false in .env
Go to the Changelog for a full change history of the package.
composer test
Security Vulnerabilities
If you discover a security vulnerability within package, please send an e-mail to Wiktor Pacer via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.