
V2.0 2023-02-07 14:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-11 20:36:35 UTC


Software development kit to connect with the Microsites's API


You should add PlacetoPay repository:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""

Then, you can install the package via composer:

composer require placetopay/microsites-sdk


The first thing to do is create an instance of the Gateway class and pass the credentials (login, apiKey, url) in the parameter as an array. Example:

return new Gateway([
    'login' => 'user_placetopay',
    'apiKey' => 'P2P123#',
    'url' => '',

Available methods


To create a microsite, you must call the createMicrosite() method from the Gateway class instance and pass as a parameter an instance of the MicrositeTransaction class that receives an array with the request fields. Example:

$data = new MicrositeTransaction([
    'name' => 'exampleName',
    'alias' => 'exampleAlias,
    'type' => OptionsFields::OPEN_TYPE,
    'sites' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 10],
    'allowPartial' => true,
    'categories' => ['test_tecnologia'],
    'loginFields' => 1,
    'version' => OptionsFields::VERSION_2,
    'paymentExpiration' => 10,

$response = $gateway->createMicrosite($data);


The response obtained in each of the available methods always belongs to a 'Status' type entity that is understood by the projects that incorporate the Placetopay 'Base' package. Which consists of: status, reason, message and date.

  +status: "OK"
  +reason: "00"
  +message: "{"status":{"status":"OK","reason":201,"message":"Microsite created successfully",
  +date: "2022-11-24T16:25:39+00:00"

To get only the status


To get only the reason


To get only the message


To get only the date


To obtain some specific data from the message, you must decode the JSON of the message property and access the property of the data that is required.


json_decode($response->message)->data->url   //To get the url of a created microsite


The optionsFile class contains the following constants:

public const OPEN_TYPE = 'OPEN';
public const CLOSED_TYPE = 'CLOSED';

public const VERSION_1 = 'v1';
public const VERSION_2 = 'v2';

It is recommended to use them when giving a value to the "type" and "version" fields.


  • The biggest difference between creating an open microsite and a closed one is that a payment order reference is required for a closed microsite, while an open microsite does not. It is important to highlight that you must indicate what type of microsite you want to create in the "type" field of the Request.

  • Remember that available methods must be passed an instance of MicrositeTransaction as a parameter to avoid an exception or error.

  • Note that the "name" and "alias" fields are unique to a microsite associated with a given site and creating microsites with the same name or alias will return a failed status.

For more information about the microsites API see the documentation Here