
yii2 slug generating and seo filling helping behavior

v1.1 2018-08-20 08:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 03:12:10 UTC


This behavior helps with generating slug and filling seo attributes for model based on its name field value

Install via Composer

Run the following command

$ composer require oxy-coach/yii2-seo-behavior "*"

or add

$ "oxy-coach/yii2-seo-behavior": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Attach the behavior to your model class:

use oxycoach\seobehavior\SeoBehavior;

\\ ...

    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'SeoBehavior' => [
                'class' => SeoBehavior::className(),
                'nameAttribute' => 'name',
                'slugAttribute' => 'slug',
                'seoAttributes' => ['seoTitle', 'seoKeywords', 'seoDescription']
    public function rules()
        return [
            [['name'], 'required'],
            [['name', 'slug', 'seoTitle', 'seoKeywords', 'seoDescription'], 'string'],

So with that configuration before saving your AR model, if slug attribute is empty, it would be filled with generated slug from attribute name, and so if any of seoAttributes attribute is empty, it would be filled with name field value.

Note that by default slug is generated from string that expects to contain cytillic symbols, so if you work with another encoding or symbols, you can provide your own function/method for generating slug using transliterationFunction property, like in example below

\\ ...

    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'SeoBehavior' => [
                'class' => SeoBehavior::className(),
                'nameAttribute' => 'name',
                'slugAttribute' => 'slug',
                'transliterationFunction' => 'namespace\for\MyTransliterator::myMethod',
                'seoAttributes' => ['seoTitle', 'seoKeywords', 'seoDescription']