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Read from Travis CI and write build status and metrics into an influxDB database for e.g. use in Grafana

0.7 2019-10-22 12:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 01:08:14 UTC


PHP library which reads build data from Travis CI and writes it into an influxdb time series database for e.g. use in Grafana


A simple PHP library / CLI application designed to read latest build status information from multiple Travis CI repos and insert the results into an Influx DB timeseries database ready for use in monitoring applications etc e.g. Grafana.


Installation can be done via composer either as a library

composer require oxil/php-travis-influxdb

or as a ready to go CLI application

composer create-project oxil/php-travis-influxdb

###Getting started

The entry point is via the Processor class which is instantiated as follows:

$processor = new Oxil\PHPTravisInflux\Processor(CONFIG_PATH);

Where CONFIG_PATH is an absolute path to a configuration file which is in JSON format as follows:

  "useBuildTimestamps": true,
  "influxdb": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 8086,
    "database": "example",
    "username": "username",
    "password": "password"
  "travis": {
    "travis_ci_org": {
      "endpoint": "https://api.travis-ci.org",
      "repositories": [

The configuration options are as follows:

  • useBuildTimestamps - if set to true, only new builds will be added to the influx database. If set to false an entry will be written for each repository on each run.

  • influxdb - this subset of properties configures the connection to influxdb. host, port and database are required with authentication parameters supplied only if your influxdb instance requires them.
    NB: If the database does not exist it will be created automatically on the first run.

  • travis - this contains the sets of repositories in travis to read the build stati from.
    Entries within the travis top level are indexed by an identifier of your choice and typically relate to different endpoints (e.g. when using travis-ci.org and travis-ci.com). The identifier chosen will be used as the measurement name in influxdb for all entries inserted for each repo. Within each entry, the travis ci api endpoint is supplied using the endpoint member and an array of repository names to read build statuses from is supplied using the repositories member.

To trigger a run you can simply call the process method on the processor instantiated above.


###Reading data back from InfluxDB

Data read from Travis CI will be inserted into a measurement within the configured database (see above) as identified by the identifier specified within the travis element of the configuration file.

Each measurement entry will be written with a value of 0 or 1 according to whether the build failed or succeeded respectively. The following tags will also be added to the entry for informational purposes for reporting.

  • repo - the full string of the repository e.g. OxfordInfoLabs/kinikit-core

  • short_name - the short name of the repository (last bit after slashes) e.g. kinikit-core

  • status - either Succeeded or Failed according to the status of the Travis build.

  • last_run - the last run time for the build as obtained from Travis.

Ready to go CLI Application

There is a ready to go working example CLI script contained in the example directory.

To install this, please use this form of composer installation:

composer create-project oxil/php-travis-influxdb

And then tweak the example/config.json to your needs. You can then run the app by calling

php example/travis_influx.php