
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Has-many / belongs-to relation subforms.

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2015-04-09 16:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-09-27 11:45:17 UTC


Has-many/belongs-to popup widget for OctoberCMS.



To install the Hasmany widget, add the following to your plugin's composer.json file.

"require": {
    "owl/hasmany": "~1.0@dev"

Next, register the widget in your Plugin.php file.

public function registerFormWidgets()
    return [
        'Owl\FormWidgets\HasMany\Widget' => [
            'label' => 'Hasmany',
            'code'  => 'owl-hasmany'


First things first, you'll need to have a pair of models related via a has-many / belongs-to relationship. From there, in your parent model's fields.yaml file use the relationship name as the field name, and owl-hasmany as the type.

    type: owl-hasmany

Next, you'll need to define the default parameters, or a custom partial. The default parameters will create a list that is very similar to the Sitemap plugin's UI. You may use basic twig markup inside these fields, variable names will reference model attributes. The icon option should be a valid Font-Autumn icon class, or false.

    type: owl-hasmany
        icon: icon-file-o
        label: "{{ name }}"
        comment: "{{ description }}"

To customize the widget appearance, you may also define a custom partial instead of the default.

    type: owl-hasmany
    partial: @/plugins/author/plugin/models/relationship/_partial.htm

There are a few additional parameters available to customize the widget's appearance. Defining a sortColumn enables drag-and-drop re-ordering. This value should reference the model's "order by" column name. Defining a formHeader will change the default header of popup windows. Defining an addLabel or addIcon will customize the appearance of the add button. addLabel.

Javascript events will be triggered when a popup window is opened or closed. Listening for these events can be useful when you wish to show / hide fields based on form values.

$(document).bind("owl.hasmany.opened", function(e, data) {
    // popup was opened
$(document).bind("owl.hasmany.closed", function(e, data) {
    // popup was closed

The data array will contain 3 keys. data.alias refers to the widget alias, data.item refers to the popup's cooresponding li element, and data.form references the popup form element.