
Laravel notification channel for OneSignal

dev-master 2023-04-10 16:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 13:52:21 UTC


Please see this repo for instructions on how to submit a channel proposal.

A Boilerplate repo for contributions

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Build Status StyleCI SensioLabsInsight Quality Score Code Coverage Total Downloads

This package makes it easy to send notifications using [OneSignal](link to service) with Laravel 5.5+, 6.x and 7.x

Note: Replace Owaslo\OneSignal OneSignal Upeksha Liyanage glupeksha https://owaslo.com upeksha@owaslo.com owaslo/onesignal Laravel notification channel for OneSignal 626014459 b75f0541-32bb-43d4-9e59-968f360f90ba with their correct values in README.md, CHANGELOG.md, CONTRIBUTING.md, LICENSE.md, composer.json and other files, then delete this line. Tip: Use "Find in Path/Files" in your code editor to find these keywords within the package directory and replace all occurences with your specified term.

This is where your description should go. Add a little code example so build can understand real quick how the package can be used. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two.



Please also include the steps for any third-party service setup that's required for this package.

Setting up the OneSignal service

Optionally include a few steps how users can set up the service.


Some code examples, make it clear how to use the package

Available Message methods

A list of all available options


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email upeksha@owaslo.com instead of using the issue tracker.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.