
Generic PDO-Authentication

v1.0.2 2016-04-19 12:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 22:41:39 UTC


General php authenticator based on PDO to check logins.


At first install or download composer.phar to your computer. Follow the instructions provided by getcomposer.org.

Step 1: Download the project

Create an intermediate directory, cd into it and download the latest distribution without tests:

php ~/php/composer.phar --prefer-dist require outermedia/pdo-authenticator

This creates files in your current working directory:

├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
└── vendor
    │   ...
    └── outermedia
        └── pdo-authenticator
            ├── LICENSE
            ├── README.md
            ├── composer.json
            ├── composer.lock
            └── src
                └── main
                    └── webapp
                        ├── Om
                        │   └── Pdo
                        │       └── Authenticator
                        │           ├── DatabaseConfiguration.php
                        │           ├── DatabaseQueryBuilder.php
                        │           ├── PdoAuthenticator.php
                        │           └── RequestHandler.php
                        ├── dbconf.php.template
                        └── index.php

Hint: If you want to run the phpunit tests, additionally run (creates new directoy pdo-authenticator/):

php ~/php/composer.phar --prefer-source create-project outermedia/pdo-authenticator
pushd pdo-authenticator && vendor/bin/phpunit src/test/php/ && popd

Note: The dbunit tests require sqlite3.

###Step 2: Deploy the files

Now copy the files to your destination directory ($DEST)

cp -r vendor/outermedia/pdo-authenticator/src/main/webapp/* $DEST

Step 3: Rename the database settings template

Rename the file dbconf.php.template:

mv $DEST/dbconf.php.template $DEST/dbconf.php

Step 4: Set your database options

Edit dbconf.php.

Options are:

  • pdoUrl - a PDO connection URL e.g. for a local mysql and a database dbname1 "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname1"
  • dbUser - the username used for the database connection
  • dbPassword - the password used for the database connection
  • table - the database table name which holds the user information
  • usernameColumn - the column name which stores the username (of table)
  • passwordColumn - the column name which stores a user's password (of table)

Step 5: Test you installation

Two POST actions are supported:

a) Get a user's salt ("user1"): Encode your form parameters with the specified charset!

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" \
    --data 'action=getsalt&login=user1' http://localhost/pdo-auth/index.php

should return something like:


The charset used by the database table, the salt and a success flag ("result").

b) Check a user's login: pwd is the calculated hash.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" \
    --data 'action=login&login=user1&pwd=$1$rasmusl1$2ASuKCrDVFQspP8.yIzVl.' \

The expected answer is e.g.


The flag "result" indicates the success.