
Versatile package that uses third party services to send balance/topup to users/phoneNumbers

dev-main 2023-07-25 13:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 17:11:08 UTC


Laravel Airtime

Versatile package that uses third party services to send balance/topup to users/phoneNumbers


laravel >= 8.0

php >= 7.4

Via Composer installation:

🔗 Composer required to install the package

 composer require otifsolutions/laravel-airtime

We have used the 🔗 Setting package by 🔗 OTIF Solutions to set

The keys we use

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('key', 'value', 'type');

To get that specific value against that key 🔑


The package uses these four listed services, consider if that particular service is enabled or disabled. Or, you can make it enable by setting true. Don't forget to add bool.

Note 📚

By default, all these services are disabled. You have to enable service of your choice via Setting::set. Please, don't forget to add third argument as bool, it defines the type of the key.

Do not set the keys directly in your code but it is wise to use php artisan tinker and then run the commands for service of your choice


To check if service is enabled or disabled, do Setting::get('service_name_service')

MySQL table storage engine

Keep in mind that putting and pulling out data to/from mysql tables is different using different mySQL storage engines. By default the current engine is InnoDB. If you don't know the difference between these storage engines, visit 🔗 MyIsam & InnoDB.To switch the engine to MyISAM do this 👇 and make the key myisam_engine true

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('myisam_engine', false, 'bool');

After all, run the migrations using this command 👇

 php artisan migrate

Which will run the package's migrations, the migration for table airtime_currencies will only be run while the other migrations are holded there waiting for running, they'll only be run when that particular service will be enabled made true through Setting package.

Artisan comamnds in this package:

To check which commands are available for whole of this airtime package, simple hit this command, and look against the key sync:xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx_xxxxxxx

 php artisan

If you hit the command for syncing data for a specific service without activating/enabling it, the package will not allow you to do that. It'll ask you to enable it first.

Table of Contents


It is the service that deals with topups transactions among users from 800+ of operators around the globe, maintains detailed record of all the successfull/unsuccessful transactions happened between operators and users

✔️ For enabling Reloadly service

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('reloadly_service', true, 'bool');


Sign-up at 🔗 Reloadly and get the keys from 🔗 Reloadly/keys, the keys will be used with the package, you have to grab these keys and give them to the package by tinker. The third one is mode, wheter it'll be LIVE or TEST. We are using 🔗 Setting package to set the keys

Commands for setting relaodly credentials

 \OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('reloadly_api_key', 'API Client ID');
 \OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('reloadly_api_secret', 'API Client Secret');

If working with sandbox, mode will be TEST, otherwise it'll be LIVE

 \OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('reloadly_api_mode', 'MODE');

After installing package, you'll have artisan command, hit this 👇

 php artisan sync:reloadly

Scheduling command

It will synchronise all of the data came from the response. To shedule it, go to your project App\Console\Kernel class and in

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) {
    // $schedule->command('sync:reloadly')->monthly();
    // $schedule->command('sync:reloadly')->daily();

You can even schedule this command to run on a specific date and time. For more info, visit :link: Scheduling Artisan Commands

How to send transactions

To send transaction, create an object of ReloadlyTransaction with properties, pass as parameter to the Reloadly helper class method sendTopup(ReloadlyTransaction $reloadlyTransactionObj) and execute it

$rdHelperObj = Reloadly::Make($key, $secred, $mode);

$rdTransaction = ReloadlyTransaction::create([
        'operator_id' => 1, // the operator id, under which operator the transaction is being from total 800+ operators
        'is_local' => false,   // Indicates either transaction is in operator currency in which customer will get airtime or its in currency of Reloadly account being used
        'topup' => 100,     // amount in receiving currency
        'amount' => 125,    //  amount in sending currency
        'number' => '00923219988771',     // the connected phone number to which transaction has to be made
        'sender_currency' => 'PKR',     // currency from which transaction is being made
        'destination_currency' => 'PKR'     // currency of transaction receiving channel/user


Other fields that are to be filled with some values/jsons on API response for each transaction object

Colomn Detail
status Status of current transaction whether it is SUCCESS or FAIL
response When API request is hit, some kind of json details
pin In case of purchasing pin, this is pin number, filled when request is hit

How to send gift cards

To send transaction, create an object of ReloadlyGiftCardTransaction with properties, call the sendTransaction() method on that object.

$rdHelperObj = Reloadly::Make($key, $secred, $mode);
$giftCard = ReloadlyGiftCardProduct::find($request['gift_id']); // selected gift card
$rdTransaction = ReloadlyGiftCardTransaction::create([
        'user_id' => $user['id'], // user who is using the service
        'email' => $request['email'], // customr/user for whick service is used
        'invoice_id' => $invoice['id'], // invoice for the record 
        'product_id' => $giftCard['id'],
        'product' => $giftCard, // the reloadly gift card 
        'recipient_currency_id' => $recipientCurrency['id'], // currency from which transaction is being made
        'sender_currency_id' => $senderCurrency['id'], // currency of transaction receiving channel/user
        'sender_amount' => $giftCard['fixed_sender_denominations'][$paymentIndex] + $giftCard['sender_fee'], // You can add your fee as well 
        'reloadly_fee' => $giftCard['sender_fee'], // The fee of the gift card
        'recipient_amount' => $giftCard['fixed_recipient_denominations'][$request['selected_index']], // The price of the gift card
        'reference' => Str::random(10),

How to pay utility bills

To send transaction, create an object of ReloadlyUtilityTransaction with properties, pass as parameter to the Reloadly helper class method sendTopup(ReloadlyTransaction $reloadlyTransactionObj) and execute it

$rdHelperObj = Reloadly::Make($key, $secred, $mode);
$utilityBiller = ReloadlyUtility::find($request['biller_id']); // The selected biller for which bill is paying.

$rdTransaction = ReloadlyUtilityTransaction::create([
        'user_id' => $user['id'], // user who is using the service
        'utility_id' => $utilityBiller['id'], // user who is using the service
        'subscriber_account_number' => $request['account_number'], // customr/user no. for which service is used 
        'is_local' => $request['is_local'], // Local amount or international amount 
        'amount' => 10000, // The amount paid to the biller
        'reference_id' => Str::random(10),

Now You need to confirm the transaction by add this line:


OR by running this command

php artisan sync:reloadly_utility_transaction

You Can set the command to run after every minute in app/Console/Kernel.php


How artisan sync comamnd works for this service

  • First checks if this service is enabled or not
  • Migrations are run then credentials are checked
  • Token is generated with credentials, got the balance and set the balance
  • Soft deleting the countries to sync with active ones
  • Fetching operators and syncing them with mysql tables
  • Syncing promotions
  • Then sync discounts

Model relations for reloadly

Parent Model Relation Child Model Foreign Key
ReloadlyOperator 1-m ReloadlyPromotion 🔑 operator_id
ReloadlyOperator 1-m ReloadlyTransaction 🔑 operator_id
ReloadlyOperator 1-m ReloadlyDiscount 🔑 operator_id
ReloadlyCountry 1-m ReloadlyOperator 🔑 country_id
ReloadlyCountry 1-m ReloadlyGiftCardProduct 🔑 country_id
AirtimeCurrency 1-1 ReloadlyOperator 🔑 sender_currency_id
AirtimeCurrency 1-1 ReloadlyOperator 🔑 destination_currency_id

Value Topup

The service is same as above, just go to the site, register, grab the user_id and password, give to the package via command given. Hit the command to synchronize the data coming from the API response.

✔️ For enabling Value-topup service

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('value_topup_service', true, 'bool');


Just simpley give the user_id & password via command. Use tinker

✔️ For user_id

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('value_topup_user_id', 'userid');

✔️ For password

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('value_topup_password', 'password');

✔️ For mode test/live (be careful with the mode Test/Live)

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('value_topup_api_mode', 'MODE');

✔️ Artisan command to sync the data

php artisan sync:value_topup

✔️ Artisan command to check the status

php artisan sync:value_topup_status

Sending transactions

This service has four methods of sending transactions named as topupTransaction, pinTransaction, cardTransaction and billPayTransaction. Although, structure of sending transaction is the same as there is one table value_topup_transactions for all transactions. Here is the overall view of sending transaction 👇

$vtObj = ValueTopup::Make()->setCredentials($userId, $password, $mode = 'LIVE');    // will return on object containing all the methods & becareful with the mode

$vtTransactionObj = ValueTopupTransaction::create([
        'category_id' => 2, // foreign key for category to indicate which type of transaction is created here like Airtime, Pin etc
        'country_id' => 9, // country id, like 9 for Pakistan, 13 for Panama
        'operator_id' => 16,     // operator id, under which operator the transaction is being made
        'product_id' => 1031, // id of particular product/package ranging more than 100, like 1 for product '8ta South Africa 5.40 USD'
        'reference' => '166064462062fb6d0c4ab37', // user generated truly unique string of 50 characters, Correlation ID which you send in actual topup api method
        'topup' => 100,     // it is by default in Customer Wallet Currency
        'amount' => 200,    // amount in sending currency
        'number' => '00923229988770',   // number to which we are sending transaction, destination phone number
        'sender_currency' => 'PKR', // currency type of sender user
        'receiver_currency' => 'PKR',   // receiving currency, destination currency

    // you can generate reference by uniqid(time())

Other fields that are to be filled with some values/jsons on API response for each transaction object

Colomn Detail
status Status of current transaction whether it is SUCCESS or FAIL
response Json response by API after hitting one of given transaction method

Other transaction methods

Now here 👇 is the detail of the provided four tansaction methods

Topup transaction


This method takes few fields filled ValueTopupTransaction object like $vtTransactionObj[product][sku_id], amount, number, reference, number, receiver_currency and sender_currency, it hits /transaction/topup uri in behind


Pin transaction


This method takes $transactionObj with $obj[product][sku_id], reference and it hits /transaction/pin in behind

Card transaction

cardTransaction($transaction, $firstName, $lastName, $email)

This transaction method takes firstname, lastname and email in addition, in $transactionObj it takes $obj[product][sku_id], amount, reference and it hits /transaction/giftcard/order in behind the scene

Bill pay transaction


This method takes $transactionObj with $obj[product][sku_id], amount, number, reference and sender_currency, it uses the endpoint /transaction/billpay/ in the backend

How sync command works behind the scene

  • Check if service is enabled, then run its migrations one by one
  • Then credentials are checked and token is generated
  • Syncing operators
  • Syncing products
  • Syncing product descriptions
  • Then syncing countries data from json file

Model relationships for ValueTopup

Parent Model Relation Child Model Foreign Key
ValueTopupCategory 1-m ValueTopupCountry 🔑 category_id
ValueTopupCategory 1-m ValueTopupOperator 🔑 category_id
ValueTopupOperator 1-m ValueTopupProducts 🔑 operator_id
ValueTopupCategory 1-m ValueTopupTransaction 🔑 category_id
ValueTopupCountry 1-m ValueTopupTransaction 🔑 country_id
ValueTopupOperator 1-m ValueTopupTransaction 🔑 operator_id
ValueTopupProduct 1-m ValueTopupTransaction 🔑 product_id

Ding Connect

The procedure behind this service is also the same, sending balance/topup from operator to user and there is made a transaction is made database. You only have to give token/key to make it functional.


✔️ For enabling Ding-connect service

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('ding_connect_service', true, 'bool');


To give token 👇

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('ding_connect_token', 'token', 'string');

after setting/giving the token, you can successfully execute the below given artisan comamnd, it will synchronize the countries, operators and products. The process will work in background, just execute the command and leave the tab open.

 php artisan sync:ding_connect

Sending transaction

To send transaction using Ding Connect Service, first create obj of helper class by giving the API_Key or Token to DingConenct::Make() method, it'll return an object having sendTranser() method like this 👇

$dingConenctObj = DingConnect::Make($tokenOrKey);

$dcTransactionObj = DingConenctTransaction::create([
        'operator_id' => 1,     // id from any total 600+ operators under which transaction is made, like 1 for operator name 'Digicel Guyana'
        'product_id' => 1,  // the product/package id from one of 3300+ products which is being baught
        'sku_code' => 'GY_DC_TopUp', // unique sku code provided by API to indicate which product is being bought.
        'send_value' => 200,    // the amount to be sent
        'send_currency_code' => 'PKR',      // the currency of sender side
        'number' => '00923219988771',  // sender phone number sample
        'ref' => 'reference',     // distributor reference


Other fields that are to be filled with some values/jsons on API response for each transaction object

Colomn Detail
status Status of current transaction whether it is SUCCESS or FAIL
response JSON response when send transaction request is hit

How sync comamnd works in action

  • Check if this servie is enabled
  • Run its migrations
  • Check the credentials, show user-friendly error message if wrong
  • Sync countries data from json file
  • Sync countries name, iso2 and dial_code
  • Syncing operators
  • Syncing products

Model relationships for Ding Connect

Parent Model Relation Child Model Foreign Key
DingConnectCountry 1-m DingConenctOperator 🔑 country_id
DingConnectCountry 1-m DingConnectProduct 🔑 country_id
DingConnectOperator 1-m DingConnectProduct 🔑 operator_id
AirtimeCurrency 1-m DingConnectProduct 🔑 currency_id
AirtimeCurrency 1-m DingConenctProduct 🔑 destination_currency_id
DingConenctProduct 1-m DingConnectTransaction 🔑 product_id
DingConnectOperator 1-m DingConnectTransaction 🔑 operator_id

D Tone

The service has the same concept behind, it is used to send topup/balance to users.

How to use this service

To use this service, set the dtone_currency via Setting::set(), it'll have currency name such as EUR, USD or PKR. So, set it right here before running other D-Tone commands 👇

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('dtone_currency', 'currency_name', 'string');

✔️ For enabling D-Tone service

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('dtone_service', true, 'bool');

Settings and commands

First set 👇

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('dtone_tshop_username', 'value-username', 'string');

And 👇

\OTIFSolutions\Laravel\Settings\Models\Setting::set('dtone_tshop_token', 'value-token', 'string');

To sync data with using D-Tone platform, hit this command 👇

php artisan sync:dtone

Sending transaction

To send the transaction using this service, create an object of DToneTransaction, pass as parameter to helper class DTone method sendTransfer(), for understand this code snippet 👇

$dToneObj = DTone::Make($username, $token);

$dtoneTransactionObj = DToneTransaction::create([
        'operator_id' => 1, // id from any operators available for this service
        'product_id' => 1,  // id of any product/package which is being baught by the user
        'sender_phone_no' => '00923219988771',     // the phone number which is about to send the transaction
        'number' => '00923217878776',    // transaction receiver phone number, destination phone number
        'product' => 'some-type', // the type of package/product user has baught


Other fields that are to be filled with some values/jsons on API response for each transaction object

Colomn Detail
status Status of current transaction whether it is SUCCESS or FAIL
response JSON response when send transaction request is hit

How sync command works

  • Check D-Tone currency and service
  • Run the migrations and check the credentials
  • Sync countries in name, dial_code and t_shop_id
  • Sync operators
  • Sync products

Model Relationships for D Tone Service

Parent Model Relation Child Model Foreign Key
DToneCountry 1-m DToneOperator 🔑 country_id
DToneOperator 1-m DToneTransaction 🔑 operator_id
DToneProduct 1-m DToneTransaction 🔑 product_id
DToneCountry 1-m DToneProduct 🔑 country_id
AirtimeCurrency 1-m DToneProduct 🔑 sender_currency_id
AirtimeCurrency 1-m DToneProduct 🔑 destination_currency_id


The MIT License (MIT). Please see 🔗 License file for more information