osw3 / php-cloud-manager
Provides cloud connection and file manipulation tools.
Provides cloud connection and file manipulation tools.
How to install
composer require osw3/php-cloud-manager
Supported services
How to use
Create new connection
Prepare the DSN
$dsn = "{$driver}://{$user}:{$pass}@{$host}";
Client instance
use OSW3\CloudManager\Client; $client = new Client($dsn);
Don't auto connect
$client = new Client($dsn, false); $client->connect();
DSN Infos
dsn(): DsnService
Bridge to DsnService.
$client->dsn()->getDriver(); // ftp
getDriver(): ?string
$client->dsn()->getDriver(); // ftp
getHost(): ?string
$client->dsn()->getHost(); // site.com
getUser(): ?string
$client->dsn()->getUser(); // user
getPass(): ?string
$client->dsn()->getPass(); // pass
getAuth(): ?int
Get the Auth mode
getToken(): ?int
getPort(): ?int
$client->dsn()->getPort(); // 21
get(): ?string
Get the DSN string
$client->dsn()->get(); // ftp://user:pass@site.com";
Driver Statement
connect(): bool
Proceed to driver connection and return the connection state
disconnect(): bool
Proceed to disconnection and return the connection status
isConnected(): bool
when the driver is connected$client->isConnected();
Temp directory
setTempDirectory(string $directory): static
Set the local server Temp directory for file manipulation.
getTempDirectory(): string
Get the local server Temp directory for file manipulation.
location(): string
Return the current location (like PWD)
navigateTo(string $folder): bool
Set the pointer to a specific folder.
parent(): bool
Set the pointer to a parent folder.
root(): bool
Set the pointer to the root of the driver.
Entry infos
infos(?string $path=null, ?string $part=null): array|string
Retrieve the entry infos. Return an array if $part is null.
$client->infos("/www/my-dir"); // [...] $client->infos("/www/my-dir", "type"); // folder
isFolder(string $path): bool
True if $path is a folder type.
isDirectory(string $path): bool
An alias of isFolder
isFile(string $path): bool
True if $path is a file type.
isLink(string $path): bool
True if $path is a link type.
isBlock(string $path): bool
True if $path is a block type
isCharacter(string $path): bool
True if $path is a character type.
isSocket(string $path): bool
True if $path is a socket type.
isPipe(string $path): bool
True if $path is a pipe type.
permissions(string $path, ?int $code=null): string|bool
Permissions getter and setter. Set permission to path if
is notnull
. Get permission code if$code
$client->permissions("/www/my-dir", 0777); // true $client->permissions("/www/my-dir"); // 0777
setPermission(string $path, int $code): bool
Set permissions code to a $path
$client->setPermission("/www/my-dir", 0777);
getPermission(string $path): string
Read permissions code from a $path
$client->getPermission("/www/my-dir"); // 0777
Folder API
browse(?string $directory=null): array
Return the content of a directory, like the Unix PWD command. Return the current pointer location content if the
parameter isnull
.$client->browse("/www/my-dir"); // [...]
createFolder(string $directory, int $permissions=0700, bool $navigateTo = true): bool
Create a directory and set the pointer into the new location id
deleteFolder(?string $directory, bool $recursive=true): bool
Delete a directory and its contains.
duplicateFolder(string $source, string $destination): bool
Duplicate a directory on the Client
$client->duplicateFolder("/www/my-dir", "/www/my-other-dirt");
copyFolder(string $source, string $destination): bool
Alias for
. -
moveFolder(string $source, string $destination, bool $override=false): bool
Move a folder (cut + paste)
$client->moveFolder("C://my-dir", "/www/my-dir");
uploadFolder(string $source, string $destination, bool $override=false): bool
Send a directory from your server to the remote Client
$client->uploadFolder("C://my-dir", "/www/my-dir");
downloadFolder(string $source, string $destination, bool $override=false): bool
Get a directory from a Client to your server
$client->downloadFolder("/www/my-dir", "C://my-dir");
Files API
createFile(string $filename, string $content="", bool $binary=false): bool
Create a file from Stream to the Client.
$client->createFile("/www/my-dir/my-file.txt", "Hi!\This is my file.");
deleteFile(?string $filename): bool
Delete a file from a Client.
duplicateFile(string $source, string $destination): bool
Duplicate a file on the Client
$client->duplicateFile("/www/my-dir/my-file.txt", "/www/my-other-dir/my-file.txt");
copyFile(string $source, string $destination): bool
Alias for
. -
moveFile(string $source, string $destination, bool $override=false): bool
Move a file
$client->moveFile("C://my-dir/my-file.txt", "/www/my-dir/my-file.txt");
uploadFile(string $source, string $destination, bool $override=false): bool
Send a file from your server to the remote Client
$client->uploadFile("C://my-dir/my-file.txt", "/www/my-dir/my-file.txt");
downloadFile(string $source, string $destination, bool $override=false): bool
Get a file from a Client to your server
$client->downloadFile("/www/my-dir/my-file.txt", "C://my-dir/my-file.txt");
Folder & Files API (Hybrid aliases of previous API)
delete(?string $path, bool $recursive=true): bool
;Delete a directory or a file
$client->delete("/www/my-dir/my-file.txt"); $client->delete("/www/my-dir");
duplicate(string $source, string $destination): bool
;Duplicate a directory or a file
$client->duplicate("/www/my-dir/my-file.txt", "/www/my-sub-dir/my-file.txt"); $client->duplicate("/www/my-dir", "/www/my-sub-dir");
copy(string $source, string $destination): bool
;Alias of
move(string $source, string $destination): bool
;Duplicate a directory or a file and delete the
.$client->move("/www/my-dir/my-file.txt", "/www/my-sub-dir/my-file.txt"); $client->move("/www/my-dir", "/www/my-sub-dir");
rename(string $source, string $destination): bool
;Alias of
upload(string $source, string $destination, bool $override=false): bool
;Send a directory or a file from your server to the Client
$client->upload("C://my-dir", "/www/my-dir"); $client->upload("C://my-dir/my-file.txt", "/www/my-dir/my-file.txt");
download(string $source, string $destination, bool $override=false): bool
;Get a directory or a file from the Client to your server
$client->download("/www/my-dir", "C://my-dir"); $client->download("/www/my-dir/my-file.txt", "C://my-dir/my-file.txt");