
Helper scripts for setting up and deploying WordPress themes and plugins with lando



  • PHP 8.2 (or later)
  • Composer
  • jq (install with sudo apt install jq)


You need WSL 2 running, the correct distro as default (check with wsl --list --verbose and wsl --set-default Ubuntu, for instance).

Also, you probably need to add this to your /etc/wsl.conf file (in WSL)

options = "metadata,umask=22,fmask=11"

Then, make sure you have a Linux user that is not root, it might need sudo permissions though. Also, make sure your Linux user is the owner of the project files.

You should the be able to run setup with modlan setup.


Lando scripts

These are scripts that are run in the Lando container. You can set them up in the .lando.yml file, and run them with lando <script-name>. They are run with the modig-lando.sh script, and the input variables are set with the MOD_INP_ENV and MOD_INP_SCRIPT variables.

  • deploy - Deploys the package to the server

  • make-pot - Creates a .pot file for translations

  • Example:

        - appserver: modig-lando.sh MOD_INP_ENV=app_env MOD_INP_SCRIPT=deploy


  • WordPress setup is run with modlan.sh setup
  • WordPress destruction is run with modlan.sh destroy


  • WordPress setup is run with modlan setup
  • WordPress destruction is run with modlan destroy
  • Starting ngrok is run with modlan ngrok
  • Stopping ngrok is run with modlan ngrok-kill

For all the commands above, you can also pass your linux username as the second argument, if it is not the default user in WSL.

Environment Setup

This is a guide for setting up the local development environment for the first time, not per project. It is assumed that you have the pre-requisites installed.

  1. Install Lando (this will install the required version of Docker as well)
  2. Install the WordPress Coding Standard Ruleset globally composer global require oskarmodig/wpcs
    1. When it asks, do trust it to execute code
  3. Install scripts for building and deploying the project composer global require oskarmodig/lando-scripts
  4. Add the global composer bin folder to your PATH
    1. On Windows, this is %APPDATA%\Composer\vendor\bin
    2. On Unix, this is ~/.composer/vendor/bin.
  5. Update composer config process-timout to 0 composer global config process-timeout 0

NOTE that with Windows/WSL, oskarmodig/lando-scripts has to be installed both in Windows and in WSL.

Project Setup

Environment variable files

There are 2 types of environment variable files, those specific for each package ("package env files"), and those that are global for the lando app ("global env files"). If you use the global env files, they have to be named .modig.lando.global.env (can be included in git) and/or .modig.lando.local.env (should NOT be included in git). They have to be placed in the same dir as your .lando.yml file.

The package env files can be called and placed as you like, but preferably in the package root. Name suggestions are lando.global.env and lando.local.env, again with the same rules for git as above.

What can be placed in the global and package env files is the same is described in the Environment Variables section.

lando app

Here is a template for the '.lando.yml' file, which is the Lando configuration file for the project:

# SETUP INSTRUCTIONS can be found at https://github.com/oskarmodig/modig-lando-scripts
name: app-name
recipe: wordpress
    - app-name.lndo.site
    - second.app-name.lndo.site
    - third.app-name.lndo.site
    - pma.app-name.lndo.site
    - mail.app-name.lndo.site
  webroot: wordpress
  php: '8.2'
excludes: # This is only needed for a WSL setup. Excludes folders from the Docker file sync, which greatly improves performance
  - wordpress # Excludes the entire WordPress folder
  - node_modules # You can remove this if not using Node.js
  - vendor # You can remove this if not using Composer
      - composer global require oskarmodig/lando-scripts # Installs the deploy scripts in the container.
      - apt-get update -y
      - apt-get install zip -y
      - apt-get install nano -y
    type: phpmyadmin
      - database
    type: mailhog
      - appserver
  PATH: "/var/www/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH" # Adds the global composer bin folder to the PATH, so you can run the scripts from the container. 

env_file: # Run 'lando rebuild' for changes here in these files to take effect
  - .lando.public.env
  - .lando.secret.env

    - appserver: composer global update # Updates the global composer packages when the container starts    

    service: appserver
        - appserver: cd /app/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ && ln -snf ../../../app-name app-name # Symlinks the app to the WordPress plugins folder

        - appserver: modig-lando.sh MOD_INP_ENV=app_env MOD_INP_SCRIPT=deploy # Runs the deploy script

        - appserver: modig-lando.sh MOD_INP_ENV=app_env MOD_INP_SCRIPT=deploy MOD_INP_TEST=true # Runs the deploy script with the test flag

      - appserver: modig-lando.sh MOD_INP_ENV=app_env MOD_INP_SCRIPT=make-pot # Creates a .pot file for translations

Multiple packages

The paths above assume that there is only one package, and that WordPress and the lando app is set up in the package directory. If there are multiple packages, you can place the packages (git repos) in sub-folders, and have a single .lando.yml file in the root of the project.

You have to modifiy the lando file as follows:

  1. env_file - Add the package specific environment files to the env_file list.
    • Example:
    env_file: # Run 'lando rebuild' for changes here in these files to take effect
      - plugin-dir/.lando.public.env
      - plugin-dir/.lando.secret.env
      - theme-dir/.lando.public.env
      - theme-dir/.lando.secret.env
  2. mount - Add a mount command for each package.
    • Example:
          - appserver: cd /app/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ && ln -snf ../../../plugin-dir plugin-dir
          - appserver: cd /app/wordpress/wp-content/theme/ && ln -snf ../../../theme-dir theme-dir
  3. tooling - Add a tooling command for each package.
    • Example:
            - appserver: modig-lando.sh MOD_INP_ENV=plugin_env MOD_INP_SCRIPT=deploy
            - appserver: modig-lando.sh MOD_INP_ENV=theme_env MOD_INP_SCRIPT=deploy

Input variables

Input variables are set when calling lando scripts, mainly used to determine what environment and script to run. The MOD_INP_ENV and MOD_INP_SCRIPT variables are used to determine what environment and script to run.

See the lando tooling section in the .lando.yml file for examples of how to run the scripts.

Variable Description
MOD_INP_SCRIPT The script to run (e.g., 'deploy' or 'make-pot'). See case below for available scripts.
MOD_INP_ENV The package (environment) to get variables for. See more under Environment variables.
MOD_INP_TEST Can be set to use test variables. See more under Environment variables.

Environment Variables

Global environment variables

Again, these variables are set per lando app, rather than per package. They are mainly used by the Windows and Linux scripts (modlan.bat and modlan.sh), run outside the lando app container.

General global environment variables
Variable Description Default value
MODIG_LINUX_USER For Windows scripts, what user in your WSL instance to run commands as. [not set, script will default to the default user for the WSL instance]
MODIG_WP_PATH Relative path to WordPress (from cwd, which should be same dir as .lando.yml file). wordpress
Setup global environment variables

Variables for site setup, run with modlan.sh setup or modlan.bat setup.

Variable Description Default value
MODIG_SETUP_PLUGINS Comma separated list of plugin names and/or URLs. These plugins are installed on site setup. Note that if woocommerce is one of them, a special WooCommerce setup will be run. [not set]
MODIG_SETUP_THEMES Comma separated list of theme names and/or URLs. These themes are installed on site setup. Note that if storefront is one of them, a special Storefront setup will be run. [not set]
MODIG_SETUP_MULTISITE If this is set (to anything), the site will be set up as multisite. [not set]
NGROK global environment variables
Variable Description Default value
MODIG_NGROK_FULL_LOCAL_URL Local URL of site that ngrok will share with the world. [not set, the 4th url from lando info will be used, usually the https version of your main site]
MODIG_NGROK_REMOTE_DOMAIN Domain to use when starting ngrok service. [not set, a random URL will be used]
MODIG_NGROK_OAUTH_GOOGLE If this is set, visitors must authenticate with Google to view the ngrok site. [not set, no authentication required]
MODIG_NGROK_OAUTH_GOOGLE_DOMAIN If this is set, visitors must authenticated with a Google account ON THIS DOMAIN to view the ngrok site. [not set]
MODIG_NGROK_OAUTH_GOOGLE_EMAIL If this is set, visitors must authenticated with a Google account ON THIS EMAIL ADDRESS to view the ngrok site. [not set]

Package environment variables

Since a Lando app might contain multiple packages, all the environment variables below can have a package identifier in them, to separate the variables for different packages. So for instance, MOD_VAR_PACKAGE_NAME can be set as both MOD_VAR__PACKAGE1__PACKAGE_NAME and MOD_VAR__PACKAGE2__PACKAGE_NAME in the same file. What variable is used is determined by the MOD_INP_ENV input variable.

In addition to the setting variables per package, they can also be set as test variables, with __TEST__ in the variable name. Like MOD_VAR__TEST__PACKAGE_NAME or MOD_VAR__PACKAGE1_TEST__PACKAGE_NAME.

General package environment variables
Variable Description Default value
MOD_VAR_PACKAGE_TYPE The type of package, plugin or theme. plugin
MOD_VAR_PACKAGE_PATH Absolute path to the package files, in the lando environment. /app
MOD_VAR_WP_PATH Relative path to WordPress files, from the package path. wordpress
Deploy package environment variables
Variable Description Default value
MOD_VAR_PACKAGE_DEV_NAME The name of the package as seen by WordPress (plugin/theme folder name). Lando app name if available
MOD_VAR_PACKAGE_NAME Name of the folder and zip file created for the deploy package. Required for deploy
MOD_VAR_PUBLISH Needs to be set for the publish script to run unset
MOD_VAR_SKIP_COMPOSER If set, composer is not run. If this is not set, and a composer.json file exists, composer is run with --no-dev --optimize-autoloader before packaging. unset
MOD_VAR_SKIP_NPM If set, npm is not run. If this is not set, and a package.json file exists, npm install && npm run build is run before packaging. unset
MOD_VAR_EXTRA_EXCLUDES Can be set to a comma-separated string with additional excludes. Used by rsync. The default list of excludes can be found below. unset
MOD_VAR_REMOVE_DIR_AFTER_BUILD Can be set to a comma-separated string of paths to folders to remove after composer/npm build process. unset
Publish package environment variables
Variable Description Default value
MOD_VAR_REMOTE_USER User on remote server used for login ubuntu
MOD_VAR_REMOTE_HOST IP or hostname of the remote server unset
MOD_VAR_CERT_PATH Path to the certificate file used for login /lando/ssh
MOD_VAR_CERT_FILE Name of the certificate file used for login cert.pem
MOD_VAR_FILE_1 Name of the file to be published MOD_VAR_PACKAGE_NAME
MOD_VAR_FILE_2 Name of the file to be published If MOD_VAR_FILE_1 has no extension, this is set to the same filename, but with the .json extension. FILE_1 will the default to .zip
MOD_VAR_ARCHIVE_FILE Set this to also create an archive file of the package unset
MOD_VAR_TARGET_USER User that will be set to owner of the file unset
MOD_VAR_TARGET_GROUP User group that will be set to owner group of the file unset
MOD_VAR_TARGET_DIR Absolute path on remote server where the files will be placed unset
Git tag package environment variables
Variable Description Default value
MOD_VAR_GIT_TAG_PREFIX Prefix for git tags. Added before package version. Defaults to `v``, so tag would be "v1.0.0". v
MOD_VAR_GIT_USERNAME Gitlab username (script prompts for password) unset

Default list of excludes for deploy

In addition to these default excludes, the MOD_VAR_EXTRA_EXCLUDES environment variable can be set to a comma-separated string with additional excludes.

Exclude Description
"/.*" All hidden files and folders
"/*.env" All environment files
/node_modules Node modules (note that if MOD_VAR_SKIP_NPM is not set, this will be generated on packaging). Also note that package.json, package-lock.json, webpack.config.js and babel.config.json will be deleted before package zip is created.
/wordpress WordPress files
/testsuite Test suite
/tests Tests
/bin Binaries
/deploy Deploy files
/customization-plugins Customization plugins
"*.gitlab-ci.yml*" Gitlab CI files
"*.git*" Git files
"*.DS_Store*" Mac OS files
/vendor Composer vendor files (note that if MOD_VAR_SKIP_COMPOSER is not set, this will be generated on packaging). Also note that composer.json and composer.lock will be deleted before package zip is created.
"phpunit.xml.dist" PHPUnit config