
Specific classes to integrate Codeception-based test framework with Report Portal (http://reportportal.io/).

v2.3.1 2021-06-21 06:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 14:49:40 UTC


Specific class to integrate Codeception-based test framework with Report Portal (http://reportportal.io/).


  1. Using composer
    1. Update your project's composer.json file with next data:
      "require": {
          "osi-open-source/reporting-portal-agent-codeception": "*"
      Execute command:
      composer update
    2. Or execute command:
      composer require osi-open-source/reporting-portal-agent-codeception
  2. Update codeception.yml file of your test framework according to codeception.yml file in this repository.
           - ...
           - ReportingPortalAgent:
               UUID: 07104d6b-45a0-442f-b7ed-a79fa5321123
               host: https://report-portal.example.com
               projectName: your_name_personal
               timeZone: .000+00:00
               launchName: testLaunchName!!!
               tags: tag1value,tag2value
               launchDescription: test launch description !!!

The description and tags string can be templated from the environment variables using the {<VAR_NAME>} syntax. For example if before a test run the env var SUITE is set to for example my service then the description "Launch {SUITE}" will be templated into "Launch my service".

Tags string must be coma separated string without spaces.

  1. Run codeception tests as usual:
    vendor/bin/codecept run