
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0) of this package.

Simple middleware to queue email messages in WebFiori applications.

v1.0 2023-10-16 16:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 17:39:55 UTC


A middleware for queing emails in WebFiori.

The aim of this class library is to provide a middleware which will be executed after the request is processed by the application. This will reduce wait time before the application sends the response.



Registering the Middleware

First step in using the middleware is to register it under your WebFiori Application. To register the middleware, modify the code on the class [APP_DIR]\ini\InitMiddleware as follows:

use oshco\middleware\MailQueue;
use webfiori\framework\middleware\MiddlewareManager;

class InitMiddleware {
    public static function init() {

Using The Middleware

The messages that will be registered must be of type webfiori\email\Email. Following code snippit shows a basic use case.

$mail1 = new Email($sendAccount);


The library is licensed under MIT license.