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A bundle providing a RESTful API for the Laravel framework version 5 using the command bus.

v0.2.1 2015-06-12 15:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 19:26:46 UTC


This package is no longer maintained. Should you have any issues, you are free to fork the repo.


This is a Laravel 5 package that creates RESTful API routes for your models and uses the command bus to execute CRUD requests.


Install the package via composer:

composer require osedea/laravel-rest:~0.2.1


First, add the eloquence service provider to your config/app.php file:


All you models need to use the trait \Osedea\LaravelRest\Traits\CommandModel to provide some attributes and methods:


namespace Acme;

class SomeModel {
    use \Osedea\LaravelRest\Traits\CommandModel;

Then, publish the config file to your application:

`php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Osedea\LaravelRest\LaravelRestServiceProvider"`

You should now be good to go without having to change anything! Access /api/v1/users to see a list of users!

Config Options

Application Namespace

You need to specify the application namespace used in your project. The default is App, but if you changed it, you need to change it in the config:


return [
    'app_namespace' => 'SomethingElse'

Models Namespace

If you models are in a custom namespace different from app_namespace, you can specify this config.


return [
    'models_namespace' => 'SomethingElse'


To add a resource to the default controller, you just have to add a line in the /config/api.php file:


return [
    'mapping' => [
        'users' => 'User',

API Prefix

If you want to use a different prefix, you can do so by specifying the prefix key:


return [
    'prefix' => 'api/v2'

If you don't specify the key prefix, it will default to api.

Commands and the default controller

LaravelRest comes with a default REST controller to handle resources. This allows automatic actions on resources listing, showing, deleting and lising relations.


Method Url Command Description Options
GET /{resource} Index List resources page, perPage, sort, fields, embed
GET /{resource}/{id} Show Show one resource fields, embed
POST /{resource} Store Create a resource
PUT /{resource}/{id} Update Update a resource
DELETE /{resource}/{id} Destroy Remove a resource
GET /{resource}/{id}/{relation} RelationIndex List a resource relation page, perPage, sort, fields, embed



All lists are paginated by default. You can set a number of items per page for each Model by overriding a variable:

protected $perPage = 10;

You can also define a maximum for this value because it can be overridden in a request:

protected $perPageMax = 50;

And then in a request: /users?page=2&perPage=3


Sorting can be done on multiple columns by separating them with commas:


You can choose the order (desc or asc) by putting a - in front of a column name:



If you don't need all fields when querying a list or a resource, you can specify which fields you need:



Use this only when you REALLY need to.

If you absolutely need nested relations, you specify them like so:




LaravelRest has default commands for several actions:

  • GET /{resource}: Osedea\LaravelRest\Commands\DefaultCommand\IndexCommand
  • GET /{resource}/{id}: Osedea\LaravelRest\Commands\DefaultCommand\ShowCommand
  • DELETE /{resource}/{id}: Osedea\LaravelRest\Commands\DefaultCommand\DeleteCommand
  • GET /{resource}/{id}/{relation}: Osedea\LaravelRest\Commands\DefaultCommand\RelationIndexCommand

With these defaults, the mapping is enough for them to work. You can override them by creating a command using the correct namespace:

Example, to override the POST /users/{id} default command, create one called Osedea\LaravelRest\Commands\UserCommand\DestroyCommand.

Create and Update

Those actions are very specific to a resource so there is no default.

You will have to create them for all resources listed in the mapping file. The schema is this:


For example, to add the create command of the users resource, the command is:


A command class

A command class needs to extend Osedea\LaravelRest\Commands\Command and implement Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\SelfHandling.