
Html microtypography fixer

v0.1.1 2021-12-16 18:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-17 00:58:53 UTC


A [wip] PHP library to fix microtypography issues in html code.


  • PHP ^7.1
  • mbstring extension


use Typofixer\Typofixer;

$input = '<p>"Hello"&nbsp;&nbsp;world...</p>';
$output = Typofixer::fix($input, ['language' => 'es']);

echo $ouput; //<p>«Hello» world…</p>

Available fixers:

Name Description
AddSpaceAfter Ensure there's a space after some characters like ,:;!?. Ex: hello,world is converted to hello, world.
CharsInside Move some characters inside the corresponding tags. Ex: <strong>hello</strong>, world is converted to <strong>hello,</strong> world
Dash Replace the simple - between numbers to ndash and -- to mdash.
Ellipsis Converts ... into
MergeTags Merge two consecutive tags. Ex: <b>hello</b> <b>world</b> is converted to <b>hello world</b>
Quotes Replace plain quotes by curly quotes. Ex: "hello word" is converted to “hello world”
RemoveEmptyTags Removes empty tags or tags containing only spaces. Ex: <strong> </strong>
RemoveInnerTags Removes some tags that cannot be inside other tags. Ex: <strong>hello <strong>world</strong></strong> is converted to <strong>hello world</strong>
RemoveSpaceBefore Removes the space before some characteres like ,:;!?. Ex: hello , world is converted to hello, world.
RemoveSpaceAfter Removes the space after some characteres like ¿¡(. Ex: hello ( world) is converted to hello (world).
Spaces Removes duplicated spaces and convert all unicode spaces (like &nbsp;) to simple spaces. Ex: Hello &nbsp; world is converted to Hello world.
SpaceTags Normalize spaces between tags. Ex: <strong>hello </strong>world is converted to <strong>hello</strong> world.

Available options

Name Description
language The ISO language code that is used by some fixers like Quotes