
Getyourbit.com client

v0.0.1 2017-08-12 13:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-23 01:33:08 UTC


GetYourBit.com client

This library allows you to make requests easily.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';    

use GetYourBit\Api;

// create an instance
$api = new Api('https://ip.getyourbit.com/');

// login
$api->auth('login', 'password');

// request without scrolling
$body = $api->request("/lookup/", array('locale': 'en-US'));

// request with scrolling
$result = $api->scroll("/find/", array(
    'size': 500,
    'query' => array(
        'country' => 'nepal'
echo count($result);



.auth($login, $password, $options=array())

Login to the API. You can get $login and $password on the site after a subscription.
$options is requests module options. You can also pass headers as option
Free services don't require authorization.


Logout from the API. It gives an error without authorization before.

.request($url, $data=array(), $options=array())

Request to the API without scrolling to get data.
It returns all response body as object.

.scroll($url, $data=array(), $options=array(), $callback=null)

.scroll($url, $data=array(), $callback=null)

.scroll($url, $callback=null)

Request to the API with scrolling to get data. You can pass callback to control every chunk. You will get three arguments:

  • $body - chunk response body
  • $chunkData - chunk data
  • $fullData - full data by the current chunk

It returns the full data at the end