orbitpodium / easypay
Laravel package for easypay.pt
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2020-01-10 16:13:59 UTC
Laravel Package to work with easypay API
Feature Overview
- Support MB and credit-card (VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN-EXPRESS)
- Create reference
- Get payment notification in real time
- Get all payments
- and will be more ...
Add this to your composer.json file, in the require object:
"OrbitPodium/easypay": "dev-master"
After that, run composer install to install the package.
Add the service provider to config/app.php
, within the providers
'providers' => array( // ... orbitpodium\easypay\EasypayServiceProvider::class, )
Publish the config file.
php artisan vendor:publish
After this you might want change config file located at config/easypay.php
with your credentials, etc
Lastly, run migrate to create easypay_notifications
php artisan migrate
Create a reference
This code will ask easypay for a new reference which can be payed using MB or credit-card
$payment_info = [ 'o_name' => "Your name", 'o_email' => 'Your email', 't_value' => '29.00', 'o_description' => 'Here is your description', 'o_obs' => 'Here is your observations', 'o_mobile' => 'Here is your mobile', 't_key' => 'Here is the ID of your order' ]; $easypay = new EasyPay($payment_info); $reference = $easypay->createReference(); if($reference["ep_status"] == "ok0"){ $entidade=$reference["ep_entity"]; $referencia=$reference["ep_reference"]; $valor=$reference["ep_value"]; return view('refMB', ['entidade'=>$entidade, 'referencia'=> $referencia, 'valor' => $valor]); } else{ return view('erro'); }
This will return an array with the following :
[ep_status] => ok0
[ep_message] => ep_country and ep_entity and ep_user and ep_cin ok and validation by code;code ok - new reference generated - NEW REFERENCE -
[ep_cin] => your CIN
[ep_user] => your USER
[ep_entity] => your ENTITY
[ep_reference] => generated REFERENCE
[ep_value] => Asked value
[t_key] => Order ID sent
[ep_link] => Link to pay using credit-card
Now you can do what you want with this information, maybe you might want save to database to build user history payments.
Method to receive notifications in real time
When easypay get his payment they will call the URL that you provided to them which will execute a similiar method like below, for more details see (https://docs.easypay.pt/workflow/payment-notification)
$easypay = new EasyPay($request->input()); $xml = $easypay->processPaymentInfo(); return \Response::make($xml, '200')->header('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
This block of code will store into database the document number of the payment received from easypay, update with more info sent from them and return xml to easypay. (Step 4 : https://docs.easypay.pt/workflow/payment-notification)
Get all payments
This will return an array with all of your payments from easypay
$easypay = new EasyPay(); $all_payments = $easypay->fetchAllPayments();
and thats it ....
Pedro Oliveira, Carlos Neto e Hugo Neto (kanazaca)