
0.4.5 2025-01-17 17:32 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-17 17:47:35 UTC


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composer require optimus/fineuploader-server 0.3.*


This is basically some wrapper classes around Fine Uploader's PHP server example.

1. Publish/edit configuration

If you are using Laravel you can integrate the uploader server by adding the service provider to your config/app.php


// ... other service providers

Then publish the configuration

php artisan vendor:publish

2. Create routes and controller methods

Somewhere in your routes file(s)

$router->post('/uploader/upload', '\Optimus\FineuploaderServer\Controller\LaravelController@upload');
$router->delete('/uploader/delete/{uuid}', '\Optimus\FineuploaderServer\Controller\LaravelController@delete');
$router->get('/uploader/session', '\Optimus\FineuploaderServer\Controller\LaravelController@session');

3. Upload

This works fairly straight forward out of the box with fineuploader. I have not tried it with "vanilla" fineuploader but use the server with fineuploader-client

Basically you send uploads to POST /uploader/upload. Delete using DELETE /uploader/delete/{uuid}. And repopulate the uploader using GET /uploader/session.


When publishing assets you will publish uploader.php to your configs directory. It is already populated with some sensible defaults. If you wish for the uploader to generate thumbnails using the thumbnail creator middleware you have to install the package as well using.

composer require optimus/fineuploader-server-thumbnail-creator 0.1.*

You can also choose to use Cloudinary as a storage backend. Here is an example of how your configuration could look like using a Cloudinary backend. Notice the thumbnail middleware is missing since the Cloudinary storage provider will add it automatically using Cloudinary.



return [

    'uploader_folder' => storage_path() . '/uploader',

    'temp_folder' => '/temp',

    'fine_uploader' => [

        'allowed_extensions' => [],
        'size_limit'    => 20*1024*1024, // 20 Mb
        'input_name'    => 'qqfile',
        'chunks_folder' => '/chunks'


    // Can be overridden by client
    'thumbnails' => [
        'height' => 100,
        'width' => 100,
        'crop' => 'fill'

    'storage' => 'cloudinary',

    'storage_url_resolver' => [
        'class' => Optimus\FineuploaderServer\Http\CloudinaryUrlResolver::class

    'success_response_class' => Optimus\FineuploaderServer\Response\OptimusResponse::class,

    'storages' => [

        'local' => [
            'class' => Optimus\FineuploaderServer\Storage\LocalStorage::class,
            'config' => [
                'root_folder' => storage_path() . '/uploader'

        'cloudinary' => [
            'class' => Optimus\FineuploaderServer\Storage\CloudinaryStorage::class,
            'config' => [
                'cloud_name' => env('CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME', 'cloud_name'),
                'api_key' => env('CLOUDINARY_API_KEY'),
                'api_secret' => env('CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET')


    'naming_strategy' => Optimus\FineuploaderServer\Naming\UniqidStrategy::class,

    'middleware' => [

