
Official Laravel Facade for Optidash - AI-powered image optimization and processing API. We will drastically speed-up your websites and save you money on bandwidth and storage.

1.0.2 2023-02-24 08:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 10:33:54 UTC



Optidash is a modern, AI-powered image optimization and processing API.
We will drastically speed-up your websites and save you money on bandwidth and storage.

The official Laravel facade for Optidash API.

68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6769746875622f6973737565732d7261772f6f707469646173682d61692f6f707469646173682d6c61726176656c3f7374796c653d666c617426636f6c6f723d73756363657373 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f7061636b61676973742f6c2f6f707469646173682d61692f6f707469646173682d6c61726176656c3f7374796c653d666c617426636f6c6f723d73756363657373 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f747769747465722f666f6c6c6f772f6f7074696461736841493f6c6162656c3d466f6c6c6f772532305573267374796c653d666c617426636f6c6f723d73756363657373266c6f676f3d74776974746572


To install the most recent version:

$ composer require optidash-ai/optidash-laravel

or add the following entry to your composer.json:

"require": {
    "optidash-ai/optidash-laravel": "dev-master"

and then run composer update.

Laravel uses Package Auto-Discovery, so doesn't require you to manually add the ServiceProvider. If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php:


You may also add the following aliases to your config/app.php:

'Optidash' => Optidash\OptidashLaravel\Facades\Optidash::class


Publish the configuration for the package which will create the config file config/optidash.php:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Optidash\OptidashLaravel\OptidashServiceProvider"

The last step is to provide your Optidash API Key by either setting env variable OPTIDASH_APIKEY in your .env file or by directly editing the config/optidash.php file.

If you don't have your Optidash API Key just yet, you can sign-up for a free account which comes with a monthly quota of 500 API calls.

Quick example

This Laravel integration exposes all the operations available with the Optidash API. The following example uses image fetch and streams the output file directly to disc with toFile() method:

use Optidash;

    'compression' => 'medium'
	'width' => 640,
	'height' => 480
    'blur' => array(
        'mode' => 'gaussian',
        'value' => 10
->toFile('path/to/output.png', function ($error, $meta) {
    if (!empty($error)) {
        throw new Exception($error);

    // You'll find the full JSON metadata within the `meta` variable


This software is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.