
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

1.0-alpha1 2016-07-22 07:14 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-10-16 21:32:36 UTC


The controller processor is module that implements Piccolo\Web\Processor\RequestProcessor through the Piccolo\Web\Processor\Controller\ControllerRequestProcessor class. It's primary purpose is to call the routing class defined in Piccolo\Web\Routing\Router, and then call the class/method that was returned from the routing process. The response from the method is processed as outlined below.

Writing a controller

To write a controller, you simply have to create a class with any function, and return one of the following:

  • PSR-7 response: if a PSR-7 response is returned, the contents of HTTPRequestResponseContainer are ignored and the response is returned to the client unmodified.
  • string: the string response is immediately returned to the output. Additional headers can be set by requesting the injection of HTTPRequestResponseContainer to the controller.
  • array: if an array is returned, the view processor (an implementation of Piccolo\Web\Processor\Controller\ControllerViewProcessor) is called to process the data into a string. The string is then returned to the client, just as described above.

To get any of the parameters in your method, you can simply add them as a type hint, and the dependency injection container will take care of the rest. This will work automatically:

class MyController {
    class myAction(ServerRequestInterface $request) {

Tip: In order for this to work, you will obviously have to add your controller to your routing configuration.

Tip: always explicitly declare your dependencies, don't try to get a hold of the Dependency Injection Container to get services. That would turn it into a service locator, which is an anti-pattern.