
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.7) of this package.

Custom theme

Installs: 89

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Forks: 0


1.0.7 2020-06-22 19:18 UTC


Drupal 8 Theme to use with Whirlwind Distribution

Global Prerequisites

You will need the following installed globally (in the following order):

Download installer for your system and follow installer's prompts.

Sass/Gulp dependencies


Run npm install to install all the dependencies.

Workflow configuration

Mappy Breakpoint

Use Mappy Breakpoint for simpler media queries. Nest media queries inside the declarations not the other way around. To use mappy-bp define your breakpoints inside 010-global/layout/_breakpoints.scss.

.test {
    width: 100%;

    @include mappy-bp(med){
      width: 250px;

    @include mappy-bp(desk){
      width: 150px;

Susy 2

For flexible grid system use Susy. Configure susy in /010-global/layout/_config.scss e.g.:

//Setting Susy map
$susy: (
  flow: ltr, // ltr | rtl
  output: float, // float | isolate
  math: fluid, // fluid | static (requires column-width)
  column-width: false, // false | value
  container: auto, // length or % | auto
  container-position: center, // left | center | right | <length> [*2] (grid padding)
  last-flow: to,
  columns: 12,
  gutters: 1/2,
  gutter-position: before, // before | after | split | inside | inside-static (requires column-width)
  global-box-sizing: border-box, // content-box | border-box (affects inside/inside-static)
      image: hide, //show | hide | show-columns | show-baseline
      color: rgba(blue, .2),
      output: background, // background | overlay
      toggle: bottom right, //	right | left and top | bottom

//Setting Box sizing for the site
@include border-box-sizing;

//Set Susy container
body {
  @include container(1200px);

Modular Scale

Define modular scale map inside 010-global/type/_typi.scss. Modular scale ratios

$modularscale: (
  base: 16px,
  ratio: 1.067


Responsive typography is defined inside 010-global/type/_typi.scss as well. You can define behaviors for global and specific elements like headings e.g.:

$typi: (
  base: (
    null: (15px, 1.4),
    med: (16px),
    large: (17px)

  h1: (
    null:  (ms(7), 1.3),
    land:  (ms(8)),
    med:   (ms(9), 1.2),
    large: (ms(10)),
    wide:  (ms(11), 1.2)

use vr() units for styling:

    padding: vr(.5); // 1/2 of base = 8px

Naming conventions

Follow BEM as much as possible e.g.:





$color__text--dark:              #111111;
$color__text--medium:            #424242;
$color__text--light:             #4D4D4D;
$color__text--white:             #FFFFFF;
$color__text--description:       #4D4D4D;





<div class="callout">
    <h2 class="callout__title"></h2>
    <div class="callout__content">
        <div class="callout__image"></div>
        <div class="callout__body"></div>


After installation run gulp in root directory. Gulp will open localhost:3000 in your default browser and parse Acquia Dev Desktop local site url. If it fails or you are not using Acquia Dev Desktop add the url in the gulp-custom-vars.js file. Optionally, the Drupal Browsersync module can be installed which will enable automatic style refreshing on any local URL (not just http://localhost:3000). Enable the module then go to Appearance > Default theme > Settings and check Enable Browsersync inside Browsersync Settings at the bottom of the page. As gulp runs, it watches sass and injects changes into the browser as you work.

Gulp will watch for changes to Twig templates, automatically clear the cache and refresh the page using Browsersync. For this to work the command line environment needs to be set up correctly so Drush can be run. If you're using Acquia Dev Desktop you will need to set the PATH environment variable before running gulp. The export string can be copied from the terminal window that is opened by clicking the Open Drush console button in Dev Desktop. Paste it into the terminal that gulp will be run from. The string will look similar to this:

### Common issues

1. Receiving an error during `clearDrupalCache`:
   ```[10:51:15] Starting 'clearDrupalCache'...
   [10:51:15] ERROR: Could not clear Drupal cache.```

   Set the environment variables as outlined in the Gulp section above.