
dev-main 2021-09-07 14:01 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-29 02:37:52 UTC


testplugin for laravel

installation guide.

you can install testplugin plugin using composer in laraval :

composer require opensource/testplugin

Register service provider to your config/app.php like below :

Add Opensource\TestPlugin\TestPluginServiceProvider::class line at bottom in providers array

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
   'TestPluginData' => Opensource\TestPlugin\TestPlugin::class,

Publish configuration file to config folder using following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=test_package_config

Set credentials of all coins which you want to use from coinwerx in config/test_plugin.php like :

If this file not exist then create and set configuration like this. How to get Private key and Public key ?

return [

   'public_key' => '',
   'private_key' => ''

Usage of library :

you have to include namespace of package wherever you want to use this library like,

use TestPluginData;

after using name space you can access all the methods of library by creating object of class like,

$btc_wallet = new TestPluginData('BTC');

here "BTC" must be needed.

Get Balance :

you can get balance of your wallet using get_balance call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->get_balance();

this will return either success response or error response if something went below is the success response :

      "status" => true
      "response" => [
            "coin" => "BTC"
            "available" => "0.00000000"
            "locked" => "0.00000000"
            "total" => "0.00000000"
      "message" => ""

Get Deposit Address :

you can get deposit address of your wallet using get_deposit_address call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->get_deposit_address();

this will return either success response or error response if something went below is the success response :

      "status" => true
      "response" => [
            "address" => "15XWXXXXXXXXXXXJxbeQ3M"
      "message" => ""

Generate Payment Transaction :

you can generate new payment transaction using create_transaction call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->create_transaction($cmd, $amount, $currency1, $currency2, $item_name, $item_number, $invoice, $success_url, $cancel_url, $buyer_email, $address, $buyer_name, $ipn_url);

this will return either success response or error response if something went below is the success response :

      "status" => true
      "response" => [
            "original_amount" => "0.1"
            "original_currency" => "ETH"
            "selected_amount" => "0.10000000"
            "selected_currency" => "ETH"
            "address" => "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
            "payment_id" => "CNWRXTXXXXXXXXXXWSB9"
            "confirms_needed" => 1
            "timeout" => 18000
            "qrcode_url" => ""
      "message" => ""

Get Single Payment Transaction Details :

you can get payment transaction details using get_tx_info call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->get_tx_info($payment_id);

this will return either success response or error response if something went below is the success response :

      "status" => true
      "response" => [
            "transaction_details" => [
                  "payment_id" => "CNWRXXXXXXXXXKASZEQLI"
                  "date_time" => "25-02-2021 19:11:00"
                  "status" => "Payment completed successfully"
                  "original_amount" => "0.10000000"
                  "original_currency" => "ETH"
                  "selected_amount" => "0.10000000"
                  "selected_currency" => "ETH"
                  "buyer_email" => ""
                  "invoice" => "1234567"
                  "item_name" => "test"
                  "item_number" => "123456789"
            "payment_details" => [
                  "date_time" => "25-02-2021 19:13:06"
                  "from_address" => "0x6874XXXXXXXXXX56b782919afc85"
                  "to_address" => "0x7346fXXXXXXXXX5cfeb7f1931b8975"
                  "amount" => "0.10000000"
                  "txn_id" => "0x7bcacXXXXXXXXXXX25be3f57cea"
      "message" => ""

Get All Transaction Details :

you can get all payment transaction details using get_tx_list call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->get_tx_list();

this will return either success response or error response if something went below is the success response :

      "status" => true
      "response" => [
            "transaction_details" => [
                0 => [
                    "payment_id" => "CNWRXXXXXXXXXXASZEQLI"
                    "date_time" => "25-02-2021 19:11:00"
                    "status" => "Payment completed successfully"
                    "original_amount" => "0.10000000"
                    "original_currency" => "ETH"
                    "selected_amount" => "0.10000000"
                    "selected_currency" => "ETH"
                    "buyer_email" => ""
                    "invoice" => "1234567"
                    "item_name" => "test"
                    "item_number" => "123456789"
      "message" => ""

Make New Withdrawal :

you can make new withdrawal request using withdraw call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->withdraw($address, $amount);

this will return either success response or error response if something went below is the success response :

      "status": true,
      "response": "",
      "message": "Withdraw has been successfully sent. Your request will be confirmed within few minutes to over 10 minutes."

Get Withdrawal History :

you can get particular withdrawal history using get_withdraw_history call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->get_withdraw_history($withdraw_id);

this will return either success response or error response if something went below is the success response :

      "status": true,
      "response": [
              0 => [
                  "withdraw_id": "your_withdrawal_id",
                  "txn_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                  "address": "16Fg*******zGasw5",
                  "amount": "250.00000000",
                  "fee": "0.00000000",
                  "total": "250.00000000",
                  "currency": "BTC",
                  "status": "Rejected",
                  "date_time": "21-01-2021 18:16:18"
      "message": ""

Get All Withdrawal History :

you can get particular withdrawal history using get_withdraw_history call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->get_all_withdraw_history();

this will return either success response or error response if something went below is the success response :

      "status": true,
      "response": [
              0 => [
                  "withdraw_id": "your_withdrawal_id",
                  "txn_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                  "address": "16Fg*******zGasw5",
                  "amount": "250.00000000",
                  "fee": "0.00000000",
                  "total": "250.00000000",
                  "currency": "BTC",
                  "status": "Rejected",
                  "date_time": "21-01-2021 18:16:18"
              1 => [
                  "withdraw_id": "your_withdrawal_id",
                  "txn_id": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                  "address": "16Fg*******zGasw5",
                  "amount": "250.00000000",
                  "fee": "0.00000000",
                  "total": "250.00000000",
                  "currency": "BTC",
                  "status": "Rejected",
                  "date_time": "21-01-2021 18:16:18"
      "message": ""