
Resource Hub distribution

1.0.0-beta7 2023-12-06 13:25 UTC


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Resource Hub logo Resource Hub

The Catalyst Resource Hub is a Drupal based distribution aiming to help small to medium sized charities publish resources and guidance materials to their key audiences. This document is primarily for developers who want to test the product on their local machine or install, deploy and host the product.

Getting started

System requirements

Resource Hub has been designed to be installed via Composer and has baked-in intergration with Lando so the most straight-forward set up, and the one described below, will require the following to be installed on your system:

Quick start: Local project set up (to test)

With Composer and Lando installed, you should be able to open your command line and run the following commands to get a local version of the product up and running for testing or development. You should be able to copy and paste all the folowing lines into your command line.

composer create-project --stability dev --ignore-platform-reqs --no-install --remove-vcs openresources/resourcehub-project:^1.0 resourcehub;
cd resourcehub;
lando start; lando drush si resourcehub install_configure_form.install_demo=1 -y;

This should perform the following tasks:

  1. Install all the code and dependencies with composer.
  2. Start Lando containers to run the code
  3. Run the Drupal site installation enabling the demo content module.
  4. Provide you with the admin user and password.

If you then navigate in your web browser to either of the following URLs, you should see the site:

Quick start: Local project set up (developers)

If you are developing locally, you probably want to keep the .git version control folders for ease.

composer create-project --stability dev --ignore-platform-reqs --no-install openresources/resourcehub-project:^1.0 resourcehub
cd resourcehub
lando start; lando drush si resourcehub install_configure_form.install_demo=1 -y; lando drush uli;

This should perform the following tasks:

  1. Install all the code and dependencies with composer.
  2. Start Lando containers to run the code
  3. Run the Drupal site installation enabling the demo content module.
  4. Generate a one time login link to click on and log is as the overall administrator account (user 1).

Install Drupal locally

Install via the UI

  1. Navigate to
  2. Choose 'Resource Hub' from the 'Choose profile' step
  3. Complete the Drupal configuration step

Install via the command line

  1. Move into the project directory
  2. Run lando drush si resourcehub

Installing demo content

If you're installing Resource Hub to test it out you can choose to have some demo content automatically created via can be doing via the UI by checking the Install demo content checkbox or by passing an additional argument to Drush:

lando drush si resourcehub install_configure_form.install_demo=1

If you've already installed Resource Hub then you can simply enable the ResourceHub Demo Content module.

Running tests

The following command will run the tests provided by the installation profile.

lando phpunit

Code analysis

This project comes with PHPCS and PHPSTAN intergration which allows developers to check their code for Drupal style and standards compatibility.

lando sniff will check the installation profile for Drupal code style compatibility. Using lando phix you may be able to fix these automatically via PHPCBF`.

lando stan will check your code for Drupal standards compatibility including use of deprecated APIs.

Frontend tooling

CSS tooling is based on Laravel Mix.

Watch for file changes in themes/resourcehub_theme/scss and browserSync run lando npx mix watch.