
Project template for Drupal 8 sites built with the Openfed distribution.

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Security: 0

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Watchers: 4

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 0


10.5 2022-02-09 16:21 UTC


This is a project template for Drupal 8 sites built with the Openfed distribution.

File Structure

There are 2 json files:


This will be the main json file for your project, which you can use to require extra repositories. You can override this at your will, just make sure that composer-merge-plugin settings and package are kept in order to use the json files mentioned bellow.

For more info about composer-merge-plugin settings and options check


This will include all Openfed related settings and should not be changed once you create your project. However, you should update this file regularly based on the most recent version in this repository.



This project requires the installation of composer.

Note: The instructions below refer to the global composer installation. You might need to replace composer with php composer.phar (or similar) for your setup.

After that you can create the project:

composer create-project openfed/openfed8-project:^10.0 MYPROJECT


The best is to download the latest version and replace your project with the files. If you have custom modules defined on your composer.json, you need to copy the to the new composer.json file. You can delete the existing composer.libraries.json as it has been removed from this project.

Since Openfed 8.x-10.0 there's a composer script (Experimental) which you can run in order to have your local project partially updated. To update your projects you can:

  • Backup your site
  • Run
    composer run-script openfed-update
  • Manually update composer.json (it's recommended to use the composer.json from this repo and ajust it to use your projects/patches)
  • Run
    composer update

Your project should now be updated.

Require new modules

With composer require ... you can download new dependencies to your installation.

composer require drupal/devel:~1.0

The composer create-project command passes ownership of all files to the project that is created. You should create a new git repository, and commit all files not excluded by the .gitignore file.


Memory limit errors

When running "composer install" you may get some memory limit issues. This is due to the composer dependency resolver since we have a big list of dependencies. To bypass this issue, you have 3 options:

option 1

Temporarely increase the memory limit as described at

option 2

If you are creating the project for the first time, use the recommended installation procedure by using "composer create-project" command.

option 3

Run "composer update" twice. At first it will throw the same error but on the second attempt it will run successfully.