
Simple Messenger Component

v1.0.1 2024-04-30 04:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-02 21:00:29 UTC



First things first, you need to add Simple Messenger to your project. Open your terminal and type in:

composer require open-solid/messenger


Sending Messages with the Bus

Think of the "bus" as a mail delivery system for your messages. It follows a specific path, decided by some rules (middleware), to send your messages.

Here's a snippet on how to set it up and send a message:

use App\Message\MyMessage;
use OpenSolid\Messenger\Bus\NativeMessageBus;
use OpenSolid\Messenger\Handler\HandlersLocator;
use OpenSolid\Messenger\Middleware\HandlerMiddleware;

// This is your custom function that does something when a message arrives.
$handler = function (MyMessage $message): mixed {
    // Do stuff with the message here...

// Setting up the bus with a middleware that knows who handles the message.
$bus = new NativeMessageBus([
    new HandlerMiddleware(new HandlersLocator([
        MyMessage::class => [$handler], // Match messages to handlers.

// Send a message using the bus.
$bus->dispatch(new MyMessage());

Handling Messages

A "message handler" is what does the work when a message arrives. It can be a simple function or a method in a class. Here's how you set one up:

use App\Message\MyMessage;

class MyMessageHandler
    public function __invoke(MyMessage $message): mixed
        // Process the message here...

Middleware Magic

Middleware are helpers that do stuff before and after your message is handled. They can change the message or do other tasks.

Here’s how to create one:

use OpenSolid\Messenger\Middleware\Middleware;
use OpenSolid\Messenger\Model\Envelope;

class MyMiddleware implements Middleware
    public function handle(Envelope $envelope, callable $next): void
        // Do something before the message handler works.

        $next($envelope); // Pass the message along.

        // Do something after the message handler is done.

Framework Integration


This tool is available under the MIT License, which means you can use it pretty freely in your projects.