
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2021-02-08 20:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 03:39:39 UTC


Version: 0.0.3

Click here to download the complete plugin package


This plugin is provided as an open source project. onFact does not provide any guarantee or support for this plugin. You are free to use and modify this plugin as needed for your project. Please test extensively before use in your project.


Upload the contents of this plugin to the wp-content/plugins folder. This can be done using FTP or using the admin interface. After installation and activation of the plugin, an admin menu item "onFact" will be visible.


API-Key and Company-UUID

Open your onFact account and go to your personal settingsin the top-right menu. Here you can create an API-Key and see your Company-UUID. Copy both to the admin pagine in your WordPress installation.

Stock management

WooCommerce comes with native stock management. But it is possible to ignore the native stock values and display the stock values directly from onFact. The correct product is found by entering the onFact product number in the 'sku' field for a product.


You can create 3 types of documents: order slips, delivery slips or invoices. Documents are created when an order gets the status 'complete'. This can be changed in the code by changing the event hook. A document can be emailed to the customer after creation.

Compatible with following websites: