
v2.4.1 2024-06-07 11:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 13:20:30 UTC


Laravel Imaginator helps you to create a HTML Picture Tag, with an image in all sizes you need.


Require the package in your composer.json.

composer require omatech/laravel-imaginator

Publish the configuration.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Omatech\Imaginator\Providers\ConfigurationServiceProvider

Setup configuration

Publish the configuration.

'scheme'     => 'https' 
'server'     => ''
'url_prefix' => 'uploads'

Configure the url of the image, you can configure the current domain, in subdomain or/with subfolder.

The example will generate

'source_disk' => 'local'
'cache_disk'  => 'local'

Choose the disk from filesystem.

'key'                    => ''
'glide_security_enabled' => true

The key with the glide_security_enable will protect the url from changes.

'get_image_class' => 'Omatech\Imaginator\Repositories\ImageExtractor'

We will need a class with the method extract to get the image path. You can override it with your own class, it must implements the Omatech\Imaginator\Contracts\GetImageInterface interface.


    // The filename relative to filesystem.
    'id' => 'picture.png',

    // Alt of the image.
    'alt' => 'alt',

    // Class of picture element
    'class' => 'image',

    // If exists loading attribute, add loading tag and value in picture element
    'loading' => 'lazy',
    // If exists width and height attributes they will be added at the end of the fallback img tag
    'width' => '165px',
    'height' => '165px',

    // All the formats in which to generate the image.
    'formats' => ['webp','png','jpg'],

    // Glide options.
    // Debug option will show the information of the generated image, the format and width.
    'options' => ['filt' => 'greyscale', 'debug' => true],

    // Sets of medias and sizes for your images, image size - width size.
    'sets' => [
        0 => [
            'media' => '(max-width: 600px)',
            'srcset' => [200 => 400, 300 => 600, 400 => 800, 500 => 1000]
        1 => [
            'media' => '(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1800px)',
            'srcset' => 200

All you need to do is call the component @imaginator from a Laravel Blade.

Example usage

<x-imaginator :formats="['webp', 'png', 'jpg']"
        0 => [ 'srcset' => [55=>320, 60=>480, 65=>800, 70=>992] ]]" 
    alt="Alt text" 
    :formats="['webp', 'png', 'jpeg']"
        0 => ['id' => $project['img_project_portrait_imghash']
        , 'media' => '(max-width: 767px)'
        ,'srcset' => [250=>320, 290=>375, 300=>390, 324=>414, 338=>428, 350=>440, 370=>460]],

        1 => ['id' => $project['img_project_portrait_imghash']
        , 'media' => '(min-width: 768px)'
        ,'srcset' => [274=>768, 282=>800, 290=>810, 300=>840, 333=>900, 363=>960, 380=>990, 390=>1024, 540=>1440]]
    loading="{{ $loop->index <= 1 ? 'auto' : 'lazy' }}"
    alt="{{$staticTexts->get('alt-project-image-prefix')}} {{$project['title']}}"

Generates this code:

<picture class="pic">
<source media='(max-width: 767px)' srcset='// 320w, // 375w, // 390w, // 414w, // 428w, // 440w, // 460w' type='image/webp'>
<source media='(min-width: 768px)' srcset='// 768w, // 800w, // 810w, // 840w, // 900w, // 960w, // 990w, // 1024w, // 1440w' type='image/webp'>
<source media='(max-width: 767px)' srcset='// 320w, // 375w, // 390w, // 414w, // 428w, // 440w, // 460w' type='image/png'>
<source media='(min-width: 768px)' srcset='// 768w, // 800w, // 810w, // 840w, // 900w, // 960w, // 990w, // 1024w, // 1440w' type='image/png'>
<source media='(max-width: 767px)' srcset='// 320w, // 375w, // 390w, // 414w, // 428w, // 440w, // 460w' type='image/png'>
<source media='(min-width: 768px)' srcset='// 768w, // 800w, // 810w, // 840w, // 900w, // 960w, // 990w, // 1024w, // 1440w' type='image/png'>
<img src='//' alt='Imagen del proyecto Teatre Lliure' loading=auto  width="550"  height="775" >



See the contributors list here.


MIT license.