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Extract information from Editora in powerful and misterious ways using Facebook GraphQL

v1.1.4 2022-03-26 08:58 UTC


Utilities for extracting info from omatech Editora using GraphQL or a simplified array structure

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Require in composer omatech/editora-extractor and you are get to go

Review the package omatech/editora-laravel-connector for easy Laravel integration


You need a valid connection to an editora database using Doctrine/DBAL



Get the instance information with the needed relations.

For example fetch the inst_id=1 (Home) and get the relations called "carrousel", "news" and "people".

$params = [ 'id' => '1' , 'lang' => 'ca' , 'debug' => true , 'metadata' => true ];

$query='query FetchHomeQuery ($id:Int, $lang:String, $debug:Boolean) { instance(id: $id, lang: $lang, debug: $debug) { id nom_intern link publishing_begins status creation_date class_name class_tag class_id update_timestamp all_values_even_null (filter: "small") {atri_tag text_val}

relation1 (tag: "carrousel", limit:2, alias: "mycarrousel")
	  id tag direction limit
		instances {
			id nom_intern link publishing_begins status creation_date class_name class_tag class_id update_timestamp
			all_values_even_null (filter: "fields:title|subtitle_t") {atri_tag text_val}
relation2 (tag: "news", limit: 5)
	  id tag direction limit
		instances {
		  id nom_intern link
			all_values_even_null (filter: "small") {atri_tag, text_val}

relation3 (tag: "people", limit:10)
	  id tag direction limit
		instances {
		  id nom_intern link publishing_begins status creation_date
			all_values_even_null {atri_tag text_val}

} }';

$extractor=new Extractor($conn); $res=$extractor->extract($query, $params, 'array', false); // $res now contains an array with the tree of the content

Call to extractor

$res=$extractor->extract($query, $params, $format, $ferretizer);

$query: is the GraphQL query $params: array of valid params (see params array section) $format: ('array' | 'json') Output format. Default 'array' $ferretizer: (true | false) select if you want to simplify the result using the ferretizer post-processor, usually true. Default true

Params Array

The available params include:

id: inst_id lang: language of the extraction, two letter language code or ALL ('ALL' | 'ca' | 'es' |...) class_id: class you want to extract the instances from tag: tag of the class that you want to extract the instance from metadata: true if you want to extract extra metadata for each object, false otherwise, default false. preview: true if you want to extract pending objects, false otherwise, default false. debug: true if you want to get debug information on the extraction, false otherwise, default false. $extractor->debug_messages keeps the debug information








Agusti Pons Christian Bohollo Javier Mogollon


This project is licensed under the MIT License