
Better error handling for Wordpress projects

Installs: 989

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v1.2.0 2020-10-22 13:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 21:50:09 UTC


Wordpress error handling using WP_DEBUG is a little unsophisticated. Setting it to true will set error_reporting to E_ALL and setting it to false will set it to a specific list. Unfortunately due to the order in which things load in Wordpress it is not possible to persist changes to error_reporting in wp-config.php. This can often cause issues on staging environments, where we want to display some errors, but disable errors level such as E_DEPERCATED or E_STRICT.

Enter better-errors, an mu-plugin which sits between Wordpress setting error_reporting and related settings and Wordpress loading plugins (the main culprits of deprecation errors).

Better errors listens to the WP_ENV constant to decide what to do. It has some recommended defaults for development, staging and production environments. These can be overridden by setting further constants:

  • WP_ERROR_REPORTING will be passed to error_reporting(...)
  • WP_DISPLAY_ERRORS will be passed to ini_set('display_errors', ...)
  • WP_LOG_ERRORS will be passed to ini_set('log_errors', ...)
  • WP_ERROR_LOG will be passed to ini_set('error_log', ...)

Setting these constants using environmental values will allow you to fine-tune settings per-environment.

WP_ERROR_REPORTING takes a bitmask value. If setting as an environmental value the following tool may be useful: https://maximivanov.github.io/php-error-reporting-calculator/