
Implements _getch and _ungetch for windows and linux using ffi

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

1.6.0 2023-02-10 04:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-01-17 19:50:21 UTC


This simply uses the FFI extension to enable _getch and _ungetch in Windows and linux.

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$ composer require olivebbs/getch
 use Olive\Console\Getch;
 $g = new Getch($linuxLibrary = null); // can also be a library that implements a function called _getch;
                                       // by default uses the bundled Resources/libgetch.so
                                       // on windows uses the built in _getch function.
 $ord = $g->getch();
 print \chr($ord);
 $ord = $g->ungetch('A');
 $res = $g->getch();
 $ord === $res // 65

Note that if you want to put a word into the STDIN stack, you need to do it in reverse.

    foreach(\str_split(\strrev('Hello World!')) as $char) {

    $result = '';

    do {
        $ord = getch();
        $result .= \chr($ord);
   } while($ord !== ord('!'));

   print $result; // Hello World!

There are also helper functions called getch() and ungetch();

use function Olive\Console\getch;
$ord = getch($linuxLibrary = null);
print \chr($ord);

$ord = ungetch('B');
$res = getch();
 $ord === $res // 66

